The following example demonstrates how the Visible property is used to display controls after they have been added to a form with the AddObject method.
The AddObject method is used to add a Line control and three command buttons to the form. The Visible property is set to true (.T.) for the Line control and the command buttons, displaying them on the form. The Visible property is also used to hide the Line control before its slant direction is changed, and to display the Line control after its slant direction is changed.
frmMyForm = CREATEOBJECT('Form') && Create a form
frmMyForm.Closable = .F. && Disable the window pop-up menu
frmMyForm.AddObject('shpLine','Line') && Add a Line control to the form
frmMyForm.AddObject('cmdCmndBtn1','cmdMyCmndBtn1') && Up Cmnd button
frmMyForm.AddObject('cmdCmndBtn2','cmdMyCmndBtn2') && Down Cmnd button
frmMyForm.AddObject('cmdCmndBtn3','cmdMyCmndBtn3') && Quit Cmnd button
frmMyForm.shpLine.Visible = .T. && Make Line control visible
frmMyForm.shpLine.Top = 20 && Specify Line control row
frmMyForm.shpLine.Left = 125 && Specify Line control column
frmMyForm.cmdCmndBtn1.Visible =.T. && Up Command button visible
frmMyForm.cmdCmndBtn2.Visible =.T. && Down" Command button visible
frmMyForm.cmdCmndBtn3.Visible =.T. && Quit Command button visible
frmMyForm.SHOW && Display the form
READ EVENTS && Start event processing
DEFINE CLASS cmdMyCmndBtn1 AS COMMANDBUTTON && Create Command button
Caption = 'Slant \<Up' && Caption on the Command button
Left = 50 && Command button column
Top = 100 && Command button row
Height = 25 && Command button height
ThisForm.shpLine.Visible = .F. && Hide the Line control
ThisForm.shpLine.LineSlant ='/' && Slant up
ThisForm.shpLine.Visible = .T. && Show the Line control
DEFINE CLASS cmdMyCmndBtn2 AS CommandButton && Create Command button
Caption = 'Slant \<Down' && Caption on the Command button
Left = 200 && Command button column
Top = 100 && Command button row
Height = 25 && Command button height
ThisForm.shpLine.Visible = .F. && Hide the Line control
ThisForm.shpLine.LineSlant ='\' && Slant down
ThisForm.shpLine.Visible = .T. && Show the Line control
DEFINE CLASS cmdMyCmndBtn3 AS CommandButton && Create Command button
Caption = '\<Quit' && Caption on the Command button
Cancel = .T. && Default Cancel Command button (Esc)
Left = 125 && Command button column
Top = 150 && Command button row
Height = 25 && Command button height
CLEAR EVENTS && Stop event processing, close form