WEEK( ) Function

Example   See Also

Returns a number representing the week of the year from a Date or DateTime expression.


WEEK(dExpression | tExpression [, nFirstWeek] [, nFirstDayOfWeek])




dExpression | tExpression

Specifies the Date or DateTime expression for which WEEK( ) returns the week of the year.

If you omit the optional nFirstWeek and nFirstDayOfWeek arguments, WEEK( ) uses Sunday as the first day of the week.


Specifies the requirements for the first week of the year. nFirstWeek may be one of the following values.

nFirstWeek Description
0 WEEK( ) returns whatever week is currently selected in the First Week of Year list box on the International tab in the Options dialog box.
1 First week contains January 1st. This is the default when you omit nFirstWeek.
2 The larger half (four days) of the first week is in the current year.
3 First week has seven days.


Specifies the first day of the week. nFirstDayOfWeek may be one of the following values.

nFirstDayOfWeek Description
0 WEEK( ) returns whatever day is currently selected in the Week Starts on list box on the International tab in the Options dialog box.
1 Sunday. This is the default when you omit nFirstDayOfWeek, and is the first day of the week used in earlier FoxPro versions.
2 Monday
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
6 Friday
7 Saturday


WEEK( ) returns a number from 1 to 53 that represents the week of the year. For example, WEEK( ) returns 1 for the first week of the year, 2 for the second week of the year, and so on. Note that a week can be split between years — the first week of the year can be in the current year and the previous year.