WhatsThisHelpID Property

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Specifies a Help topic context ID to provide Whats This Help for an object. Available at design time and run time.


Object.WhatsThisHelpID[ = nContextID]



Specifies the context ID number of a topic in a Help file. nContextID may be negative, zero, or positive. The following table lists the values for nContextID and what is displayed when the object is clicked with the question mark mouse pointer:

nContextID Description
Negative (Default, –1) Displays the Whats This Help popup with the message "No Help topic is associated with this item."
Zero Visual FoxPro searches upward through the object's hierarchy for the first object with a positive WhatsThisHelpID property value. If an object with a positive WhatsThisHelpID property value is found, the Whats This Help topic is displayed. If an object with a positive WhatsThisHelpID property value isn't found, no Whats This Help topic is displayed.
Positive Displays the Whats This Help topic corresponding to the context ID specified with nContextID. If no Help topic has the context ID specified with nContextID, the Whats This Help popup with the message "No Help topic is associated with this item" is displayed.