Find Component Dialog Box

See Also

Enables you to search catalogs or folders by any of several criteria. The search criteria is saved as a view that you can use again.

This dialog box appears when you click the Find button on the Component Gallery toolbar. Your search criteria are automatically saved as a view description before you close the Find Component dialog box. You can remove any gallery views you no longer need by using the Remove button of the Options dialog Dynamic views tab.

Dialog Box Options


Specifies a comma-separated list of expressions for which to search. You can use the same expressions used in Class Browser filtering.

Look in

A selectable list of available catalogs and an "all catalogs" option. You can add a new scope for the search.


Displays the Keywords dialog box for selecting within the Keywords field of the selected catalog.

Note   All keywords are stored in the Keywords.dbf table in the HOME( ) folder.

Search fields

These check boxes select fields from the highlighted catalog:

Item Name

Searches for the Name as displayed in the General tab of the Item Properties dialog box.

Class Name

Searches for Class Name as displayed in the Class Item tab of the Item Properties dialog box.


Searches for the Description as displayed in the General tab of the Item Properties dialog box.


Searches contents of Properties as displayed in the Scripts tab of the Items Properties dialog box.

File Name

Searches for the file name displayed as Class Library in the Class Items tab of the Item Properties dialog box.

Item Types

A list of the available default and user-defined item types to select as search targets.


Starts the search once all criteria are set.


Cancels a search.

New Search

Clears current criteria so you can start a new search specification.

Result View

Displays the name of the view you are creating or editing.