Initial Values of Class Browser Properties

See Also

When an instance of the Class Browser is opened, the properties are set to the default values shown in the following table.

Class Browser property Initial setting
caddin “”
caddinmethod “”
calias “”
Caption “Class Browser”
cbaseclass “”
cbrowsertable “”
cclass “”
cclasslibrary “”
cclasstimestamp “”
cclasstype “”
cdragicon “”
cfilename “”
cfilter “”
cgetfileext vcx;scx;pjx;exe;olb;tlb
clastgetfileext “”
clastsetcomp “”
clastsetesc “”
clastsetudfparms “”
clastvalue “”
cparentclass “”
cparentclasssymbol (IIF(VERSION(3)==“00”,CHR(171),“<”))
cplatform “”
cprogramname “”
cstartname “”
DataSession 2
FontBold .F.
FontName “MS Sans Serif”
FontSize 8
Height 360
HelpContextID 95825501
Icon Browser.ico
lautoexpand .T.
ldescriptions .T.
ldisplayhierarchyerror .T.
Left 0
lparentclassbrowser .T.
MinHeight (175)
MinWidth (250)
Name “classbrowser”
natpos 0
nclasscount 0
nclasslistindex -1
ndisplaymode 1
nfilecount 0
ninstances 0
nlastheight (this.Height)
nlastrecno 1
nlastwidth (this.Width)
nmousebutton 0
npixeloffset 22
nreccount 0
nshift 0
nstrlen 0
ntimestamp 0
oparentclassbrowser .NULL.
osource .NULL.
ShowTips .T.
Top -1
Width 462