Setup Wizard: Step 7 – Finish

See Also

When you choose Finish, the wizard records the configuration for use the next time you create distribution disks from the same distribution tree. It then starts creating the application disk images.

The wizard creates and compresses several unique files the first time it runs. This step causes the first execution of the wizard to consume more time than subsequent executions. The wizard saves these files to use whenever you use the Setup Wizard again.

After the wizard creates the disk images you specified, you can copy the images to master disks, and then copy and combine the disks with the rest of your distribution package. After you create a set of master disks, you can delete the disk image subdirectories. Retain the COMPRESS subdirectory so that if you use the Setup Wizard to create a new set of distribution disks, the wizard will only need to compress files you've changed since you created the previous set of disks.

If you select Generate a web executable file, the wizard creates a single executable file from your distribution files. Use this option with the Websetup option of Step 3 to maximize compression for fast web download of your application. This option can be time-consuming if you have specified many setup options.

You can also specify that the Setup Wizard create dependency files (an INI-style file with a .dep extension). This file contains not only dependency files needed by a component, but also any necessary registration and localization information.