Menu and Shortcut Designers

See Also

Use the Menu Designer and the Shortcut Designer to create menus, menu items, submenus of menu items, lines that separate groups of related menu items, and so on. With the Menu and Shortcut Designers, you can customize your copy of Visual FoxPro or design menus for applications you intend to distribute.

The Menu and Shortcut Designers consists of:


Allows you to specify the menu titles and menu items in your menu system.

Mover Control

This is the double-headed arrow button to the left of the Prompt column. It allows visual arranging of the menu items at design time.


Allows you to specify the action that occurs when you choose a menu title or menu item. For example, you can execute a command, open a submenu, or run a procedure.


Allows you to specify a submenu or procedure for a menu title or menu item.


Allows you to change a submenu or procedure associated with a menu title or menu item.


Displays the Prompt Options dialog box, in which you can define keyboard shortcuts and other menu options.

Menu Level

Allows you to choose the menu, submenu, or shortcut with which you want to work.


Displays the menu you are creating.



Inserts a new row in the Menu Designer window.

Insert Bar

Displays the Insert System Menu Bar dialog box, which allows you to insert standard Visual FoxPro menu items.


Deletes the current row from the Menu Designer.