Windows API | Basic |
int, INT | ByVal Long |
UINT | ByVal Long |
BOOL | ByVal Long |
WORD | ByVal Integer |
DWORD | ByVal Long |
WPARAM | ByVal Long |
COLORREF | ByVal Long |
ATOM | ByVal Integer |
HANDLE and friends | ByVal Long |
BYTE | ByVal Byte |
char | ByVal Byte |
BOOL FloodFill(
HDC hdc, // Handle of device context
int nXStart, // X-coordinate of starting position
int nYStart, // Y-coordinate of starting position
COLORREF crFill // Color of fill boundary
Declare Function FloodFill Lib “GDI32” (ByVal hdc As Long, _
ByVal nXStart As Long, ByVal nYStart As Long, _
ByVal crFill As Long) As Long
You don’t have much choice about how to declare this function, but you can choose how to declare any variables you plan to pass to it. Because you’re passing by value, Visual Basic can do type conversion on any variables you pass. For example, the X- and Y-coordinate variables could be stored in Integers. You’d need an awfully big monitor to be higher than 32,767 or lower than
-32,768 if you’re measuring in pixels. I hope to have such a monitor on my
desk someday, but for now I consider it fairly safe to use Integer variables. Basic will convert them to Longs before passing them to FloodFill.
I use the Windows version of Hungarian in sample declarations, although I don’t like it. “Basic Hungarian,” page 16, explains what I don’t like and how my version of Hungarian differs. Apologies for any confusion this causes. The parameter names in declarations are ignored anyway, and I thought it would be better for my declarations to match the API documentation. Besides, I created a lot of my Declare statements by cutting, pasting, and modifying C prototypes, and I was too lazy to change the names.