Recursive QuickSort
The following QuickSort algorithm for sorting arrays is taken directly from the SORTDEMO program, with only slight modifications to make it more modular and to accommodate differences between Visual Basic and QuickBasic:
Recursive QuickSort algorithm
Sub SortArrayRec(aTarget() As Variant, _
Optional vFirst As Variant, Optional vLast As Variant, _
Optional helper As ISortHelper)
Dim iFirst As Long, iLast As Long
If IsMissing(vFirst) Then iFirst = LBound(aTarget) Else iFirst = vFirst
If IsMissing(vLast) Then iLast = UBound(aTarget) Else iLast = vLast
If helper Is Nothing Then Set helper = New CSortHelper
With helper
If iFirst < iLast Then
Only two elements in this subdivision; exchange if
they are out of order, and end recursive calls
If iLast - iFirst = 1 Then
If .Compare(aTarget(iFirst), aTarget(iLast)) > 0 Then
.Swap aTarget(iFirst), aTarget(iLast)
End If
Dim iLo As Long, iHi As Long
Pick pivot element at random and move to end
.Swap aTarget(iLast), aTarget(MRandom.Random(iFirst, iLast))
iLo = iFirst: iHi = iLast
Move in from both sides toward pivot element
Do While (iLo < iHi) And _
.Compare(aTarget(iLo), aTarget(iLast)) <= 0
iLo = iLo + 1
Do While (iHi > iLo) And _
.Compare(aTarget(iHi), aTarget(iLast)) >= 0
iHi = iHi - 1
If you havent reached pivot element, it means
that two elements on either side are out of
order, so swap them
If iLo < iHi Then .Swap aTarget(iLo), aTarget(iHi)
Loop While iLo < iHi
Move pivot element back to its proper place
.Swap aTarget(iLo), aTarget(iLast)
Recursively call SortArrayRec (pass smaller
subdivision first to use less stack space)
If (iLo - iFirst) < (iLast - iLo) Then
SortArrayRec aTarget(), iFirst, iLo - 1, helper
SortArrayRec aTarget(), iLo + 1, iLast, helper
SortArrayRec aTarget(), iLo + 1, iLast, helper
SortArrayRec aTarget(), iFirst, iLo - 1, helper
End If
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
For the moment, ignore the helper object parameter and concentrate on the algorithm. QuickSort works on the divide-and-conquer principle. It splits the array into two groups and then sorts both the top and the bottom. It does this by calling itself to sort each group. Recursion makes QuickSort intelligible but also subjects it to stack limitations. A recursive algorithm has the potential to run out of stack space as it pushes more arguments and local variables onto the stack each time it calls itself.