Microsoft® JScript™
Function Object
 Language Reference 
Version 2 

See Also                    Methods                    Properties

Creates a new function.
Syntax 1
function functionname( [argname1 [, ... argnameN]] )
Syntax 2
var functionname = new Function( [argname1, [... argnameN,]] body );

The Function object syntax has these parts:

Part Description
functionname The name of the newly created function
argname1...argnameN An optional list of arguments that the function accepts.
body A string that contains the block of JScript code to be executed when the function is called.

The function is a basic data type in JScript. Syntax 1 creates a function value that JScript converts into a Function object when necessary. JScript converts Function objects created by Syntax 2 into function values at the time the function is called.

Syntax 1 is the standard way to create new functions in JScript. Syntax 2 is an alternative form used to create function objects explicitly.

For example, to create a function that adds the two arguments passed to it, you can do it in either of two ways:

Example 1
function add(x, y)
   return(x + y);
Example 2
var add = new Function("x", "y", "return(x+y)");
In either case, you call the function with a line of code similar to the following:
add(2, 3);