The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Access versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.0
Although Microsoft Windows and Windows for Workgroups can both display
the same version number, you can determine whether Windows for
Workgroups is running by using a Windows API call in an Access Basic
The following example can be used to determine if Windows for
Workgroups is running.
NOTE: In the following sample code, an underscore (_) is used as a
line-continuation character. Remove the underscore from the end of the line
when re-creating this code in Access Basic.
- Create a new module and enter the following code:
' Declarations section of the module
Option Explicit
Const WNNC_NET_MultiNet = &H8000
Const WNNC_SUBNET_WinWorkgroups = 4
Declare Function WNetGetCaps% Lib "User" (ByVal nIndex%)
'This function returns True if Windows for Workgroups is running,
'or False if it is not (generic Windows). It accomplishes this by:
' - Calling WNetGetCaps and retrieving the net type flag.
' - Inspecting the low word of the flag to see if the Windows for
' Workgroups bit is set.
Function IsWFW% ()
Dim wNetType As Integer
wNetType = WNetGetCaps(WNNC_NET_TYPE)
IsWFW = False
If (wNetType And WNNC_NET_MultiNet) Then
IsWFW = ((wNetType And &HFFFF) And _
WNNC_SUBNET_WinWorkgroups) <> 0
End If
End Function
- From the View menu, choose Immediate Window. Type the following in
the Immediate window:
MsgBox IIf(IsWFW(), "WFW", "Windows") & " is running!"
If Windows for Workgroups is running, you will see the message "WFW is