The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Access version 2.0
This article describes a method that you can use to add custom ToolTips
(brief descriptions that appear when the mouse pointer moves over
particular controls) to forms.
This article assumes that you are familiar with Access Basic and with
creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools provided
with Microsoft Access. For more information about Access Basic, please
refer to the "Building Applications" manual.
This method creates ToolTips by using a text box, the Tag property of form
controls, and a custom function that is triggered by the MouseMove event of
form sections and controls. For example, when you move the mouse pointer
over a particular control, the MouseMove event triggers the custom
function. The function moves a text box displaying a brief description
stored in the control's Tag property under the control.
This method uses a single text box to display the ToolTip messages
for all the controls. Be aware, however, that the size of the text box is
not adjusted for descriptions of varying lengths. To avoid cutting off the
ToolTip text, use a set number of characters for the control descriptions.
To add custom ToolTips to a form, follow these steps.
- Open the sample database NWIND.MDB, and open the Customers form in
Design view.
- Add a text box to the Customers form and set the text box control's
properties as follows:
Name: ToolTip
Visible: No
BackColor: 8454143
NOTE: You do not need the label for this control; you can delete it.
- Add a command button to the Customers form and set the command button
control's properties as follows:
Name: MyButton.
Tag: My Button
OnMouseMove: =ShowToolTip("MyButton")
- On the View menu, click Code and type the following function in the
Module window:
Function HideToolTip()
Dim z As Integer
On Error Resume Next
If Me!ToolTip.Visible = True Then
Me!ToolTip.Visible = False 'Turn off the ToolTip.
End If
End Function
- Set the Customers form detail section's OnMouseMove property as
Note: This procedure must be called from the MouseMove event of any
section where you use a control with a ToolTip.
- Close and save the Customers form.
- Create a new module and type the following line in the Declarations
Option Explicit
- Type the following function:
Function ShowToolTip (ShowControl As String)
Dim MyControl As Control
Dim MyToolTip As Control
Dim z as Integer
Const Separator = 80
On Error Resume Next
Set MyControl = Screen.ActiveForm(ShowControl)
Set MyToolTip = Screen.ActiveForm!ToolTip
If MyToolTip.Visible = False Then
MyToolTip = MyControl.Tag
MyToolTip.Left = MyControl.Left + (Separator * 2)
MyToolTip.Top = MyControl.Top + MyControl.Height + Separator
MyToolTip.Visible = True
' Optional: Display ToolTip on the Status Bar.
z = SysCmd(SYSCMD_SETSTATUS, MyToolTip.value)
End If
End Function
- Open the Customers form in Form view and move the mouse pointer over
the command button to display the ToolTip message under the button.
NOTE: The MouseMove event of the detail section may not run and the
ToolTip may remain visible if you rapidly move the mouse pointer to a
control without a ToolTip. To ensure that the ToolTip turns off, call the
same function from Step 6 on the MouseMove event of controls that do not
display a ToolTip.
For more information about creating ToolTips using Windows Application
Programming Interface (API) functions, please see the following article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : ACC2: How to Add ToolTips to Form Controls