The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Access versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 7.0, 97
Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.
This article describes a simple, non-programmatic way to enable a user
to type the comparison operators "<", ">", and "=" in query parameters.
It's best to keep the query criteria as simple as possible. For more
complex criteria, you must use Visual Basic or Access Basic code.
- Create the following new table and save it as Names:
Table: Names
Field Name: First Name
Data Type: Text
Field Name: Last Name
Data Type: Text
Field Name: Age
Data Type: Number
Field Size: Single
- Open the table in Datasheet view and enter the following data:
First Name Last Name Age
Tom Smith 35
Anne Howard 7
Jim Bowie 20
Sue Thomas 44
- Create the following new query based on the Names table:
Query: List Names
Type: Select Query
Field: First Name
Table: Names
Field: Last Name
Table: Names
Field: Age
Table: Names
First Criteria Line: =Mid([Enter Age],2)
Second Criteria Line: <Mid([Enter Age],2)
Third Criteria Line: >Mid([Enter Age],2)
Fourth Criteria Line: <leave blank>
Show: True
Field: Expr1:Left([Enter Age],1)
First Criteria Line: "="
Second Criteria Line: "<"
Third Criteria Line: ">"
Fourth Criteria Line: Is Null
Show: False
Type the criteria on successive lines (that is, type the First Criteria
Line criteria on the Criteria line, the Second Criteria Line criteria
on the Or line, and the Third and Fourth Criteria Line criteria on the
blank lines below that).
- Save the query and run it. Following is sample output for each of the
four types of input:
[Enter Age] Output
<leave blank> Tom Smith 35
Anne Howard 7
Jim Bowie 20
Sue Thomas 44
<21 Anne Howard 7
Jim Bowie 20
>21 Tom Smith 35
Sue Thomas 44
=7 Anne Howard 7
NOTE: The query is not designed to allow combinations of "<", ">", and
"=", such as ">=20". You must always use one of the three operators,
no more, no less, or you must leave the whole parameter blank.
Following is the SQL statement for the query:
[First Name], [Last Name], Age
(Age=Mid([Enter Age],2) AND Left([Enter Age],1)="=")
(Age<Mid([Enter Age],2) AND Left([Enter Age],1)="<")
(Age>Mid([Enter Age],2) AND Left([Enter Age],1)=">")
(Left([Enter Age],1) Is Null)