XL: Field Instead of Column Name in MSQUERY Returned to ExcelLast reviewed: September 22, 1997Article ID: Q121551 |
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The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSIn Microsoft Excel, if you return data from Microsoft Query by using the Get External Data command, or the PivotTable Wizard (using an external data source), any column heading that you have renamed in Microsoft Query displays with the original field name, or as EXPR_x (where x is any number) when you return the data to Microsoft Excel.
CAUSEThis behavior is by design of Microsoft Excel. When you return data from a query in Microsoft Query to a worksheet, or to the PivotTable Wizard in Microsoft Excel, the actual names of the columns in your query are used, instead of the column headings. This is true whether the field heading is based on a text value or an expression. For example, if one of the columns is the sum of a field called Sales, the column heading in Microsoft Query is Sum(Sales). If you change this heading to a more descriptive name such as "Sales Totals", the heading displays with the original name "Sum(Sales)" when you return the data to Microsoft Excel. If you build a query and return the results to the Pivot Table Wizard, and a field name contains an expression, such as CUSTOMER + SALES, then the field name is returned in the format EXPR_x, where x is any number. For example, if two different columns in your query have names that contain an expression, the first column name is returned as EXPR_1 and the second as EXPR_2.
WORKAROUNDSTo work around this behavior, use one of the following methods:
Modifying SQL StatementNote that you can use this workaround to return data either to a worksheet, or to the PivotTable wizard. Instead of using the Edit Column dialog box to rename a column, you can modify the SQL SELECT statement using the AS clause which allows you to return data to Microsoft Excel with any custom field heading you want. This method creates a non-graphical query, meaning that only the data set is displayed in Microsoft Query. When you run the SQL statement using the AS clause, you receive the following error message in Microsoft Query.
SQL Query can't be represented graphically. Continue anyway?Use the following syntax for this type of SELECT statement:
SELECT <field name> AS "<new field heading text>" FROM <table name>The following example uses the Sales field example discussed above.
4. Click OK to run the SQL statement.In this example, the field headings are now displayed as ID, and Sales Totals, instead of as Order_Id and Sum(Sales).
WorksheetTo work around this behavior when you return data in Microsoft Query to a Microsoft Excel worksheet, do not include the field names when you return the data to the worksheet. Then you can enter your own field names directly on the worksheet. To avoid including field name, clear the Include Field Names check box in the Get External Data dialog box that appears when you return the data to Microsoft Excel.
Pivot TableTo rename a field in a Pivot Table, do the following:
SQLExecQuery() Function in Visual Basic Module
Sub UseAlias() Dim chan As Variant Dim result As Variant chan = sqlopen("Dsn=NWind") result = _ SQLExecQuery(chan, "SELECT LAST_NAME as ""Last Name"" FROMemployee")
If IsError(result) Then MsgBox SQLError()(3) End If SQLRetrieve chan, ActiveCell, , , True SQLClose chan End SubMicrosoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about the support options available from Microsoft, please see the following page on the World Wide Web:
http://www.microsoft.com/supportnet/refguide/ REFERENCESFor more information about The Setup You Need To Retrieve Data With Microsoft Query, choose the Search button in Help and type:
Query |
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