XL97: Grouping ActiveX Option Buttons on a WorksheetLast reviewed: January 15, 1998Article ID: Q159489 |
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SUMMARYIn the Visual Basic Editor, when you add option buttons from the Control Toolbox to a worksheet, the option buttons form one group by default. All of the option buttons are mutually exclusive; when you click one option button in a group, all other option buttons in the same group are set to False. This article discusses how you can create multiple groups of option buttons on a worksheet.
MORE INFORMATIONYou can set the GroupName property for an option button to determine the group for which the control is a member. All option buttons with the same GroupName within a single worksheet are mutually exclusive. You can use the same group name in two worksheets; however, doing so creates two groups (one in each worksheet) rather than one group that includes the option buttons in both worksheets. NOTE: On a UserForm in a Visual Basic for Applications project, you can use a frame control to group option buttons. The ActiveX frame control is not available on the Control Toolbox for worksheets. The following example demonstrates how to create two groups of option buttons on a worksheet by setting the GroupName property for the controls.
Drawing the Option Button Controls on a Worksheet
Separating the Option Buttons into Multiple GroupsUsing the option buttons you created in step 3 in the previous section, do the following:
REFERENCESFor more information about ActiveX controls, click the Index tab in Microsoft Visual Basic Help, type the following text
ActiveXand then double-click the selected text to go to the "Understanding Automation" topic.
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