The following macro opens, then prints all embedded charts on a
Microsoft Excel worksheet.
- Enter the following information into a macro sheet:
A1: Print_Charts
A2: {=SET.NAME("Chart_array",GET.DOCUMENT(42))}
A3:= FOR("count",1,COLUMNS(Chart_array))
A4:= SELECT(INDEX(Chart_array,1,count))
A5:= IF(GET.OBJECT(1)=5)
A6:= UNHIDE(GET.DOCUMENT(1)&" "&INDEX(Chart_array,1,count))
A7:= PRINT()
A8:= HIDE()
A9:= END.IF()
A10:= NEXT()
A11:= RETURN()
Enter the formula in cell A2 as an array formula by pressing
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER simultaneously after typing the line.
- To define the macro, select cell A1, choose Define Name from
the Formula menu, select Command, and choose OK to close the
dialog box.
- To run the macro, activate the worksheet that contains the
embedded charts, choose Run from the Macro menu, select the
macro from the list, and choose OK.
The GET.DOCUMENT(42) command in cell A2 of the macro creates an array
of all objects on the worksheet. The macro loops through the array,
selecting each object to find the embedded charts. By using
GET.OBJECT(1)=5, any other objects, such as text boxes or macro
buttons, are ignored. Each chart is then unhidden, printed, and then
closed. Because GET.DOCUMENT(1) is used on line A6, the macro can be
used on any sheet that contains embedded charts.
"Microsoft Excel Function Reference," version 3.0, pages 68, 79, 107,
112, 122, 126-127, 160, 186, 211, 217, 241