XCON: Mail Sent Outside Site via X.400 Takes Illogical RouteLast reviewed: April 9, 1997Article ID: Q159186 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSMail destined outside of the site via X.400 Connector may be rerouted out to another seemingly "illogical" and higher cost site, and then routed back into the site with the X.400 Connector to the target site. The message then routes out the appropriate connector. Additionally, the GWART0.MTA within a site will list a redundant, "circular" route back into itself similar to the following:
c=<US> a=<SOME-NAME> p=<COMPANY> ROUTE1, 0001 /O=SOME-NAME/OU=NEW-YORK/../CN=ROUTE1 SITE CONNECTOR (UNITED KINGDOM), 0002 /O=SOME-NAME/OU=NEW-YORK/../CN=SITE CONNECTOR (UNITED KINGDOM) /O=SOME-NAME/OU=UNITED KINGDOM/../CN=SITE CONNECTOR (NEW-YORK)According to the above GWART taken from a server in the NEW-YORK site, messages addressed to the address space "c=US;a=SOME-NAME;p=COMPANY;..." have two possible routes: the lowest cost is via ROUTE1, with a cost of 0001; the second route is a site connector to the United Kingdom, but it is a circular route that routes out to UNITED KINGDOM, and returns back into the NEW-YORK site. In extreme cases, this may contribute to slow mail delivery, MTA queue backlogs, and possibly non-delivery reports (NDRs).
CAUSEThe routing calculation logic calculates all possible routes, including circular routes. The algorithm then filters out the circular routes, removing them from the routing information database (RID). There was a bug in the filtering process that resulted in a failure to remove the last circular route.
WORKAROUNDTo work around this problem:
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Exchange Server version 4.0. This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft Exchange 4.0 U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):
S E R V P A C K MORE INFORMATIONOne server in a site is "responsible" for rebuilding the RID for the site. The server maintaining this responsibility will have its Distinguished Name (DN) listed under raw properties for "Configure, Site Addressing, Rid- Server". MTAs within the site use an image of this routing table in memory and maintain two copies of it in text files on disk NOTE: Do not modify these files. Editing the following files will not affect routing):
\EXCHSRVR\MTADATA\GWART0.MTA and GWART1.MTA.GWART0 is a copy of what is currently in use, and GWART1 is a copy of the RID prior to the current one. The RID is automatically rebuilt approximately 10 minutes after any change affecting routing replicates within the site. Additionally, it is rebuilt according to the schedule specified under "Configuration, Site Addressing, Routing Calculation Schedule" and can be forced to rebuild under: "Configuration, Site Addressing, Routing, Recalculate Routing" or "<servername>, Message Transfer Agent, Recalculate Routing." |
Keywords : kbbug4.00 kbfix4.00.sp4 kbusage XCON
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