kbtool kbprg
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft FoxPro Library Construction Kit version 2.5
- Microsoft FoxPro for Windows, version 2.5
- Microsoft Visual C++ for Windows, versions 1.0, 1.5, 1.51, 1.52
Below are step-by-step instructions for compiling a .FLL file using
Visual C++ version 1.0 and FoxPro Library Construction Kit (LCK)
version 2.5.
- From the VC Workbench menu, choose Project -> New to bring up the
New Project dialog box.
- In the New Project dialog box, choose Project Type = Windows
dynamic-link library (.DLL). Close the dialog box.
When you close the New Project dialog box, the Edit - <Project>
dialog box is presented.
- Select each of your C API source modules for inclusion in the
- Select PROAPIML.LIB (Type: .LIB) from the LCK directory.
- From the VC Workbench menu, choose Options -> Project, which
brings up the Project Options dialog box.
- From the Project Options dialog box, choose Compiler.
- From the Category list box, select "Full (using Program database)".
- Under Code Generation, set CPU to 386.
- Under Memory Model, set Model appropriate to LARGE and segment Setup to
" "SS != DS; DS NOT loaded on fn entry"".
- Under Debug Options, select Full.
- From the Windows Prolog/Epilog list, select PROTECTMODE WINDOWS DLL.
- Close the Compiler Options dialog box.
You are now ready to build the .FLL.
The output file will have a .DLL extension. After compilation, you can
test the newly created module by renaming the file with an .FLL
extension or by issuing the following command:
Set Library to <module>.DLL