The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft FoxPro for Windows, versions 2.5, 2.5a, 2.5b
- Microsoft FoxPro for Macintosh, version 2.5b
When you have multiple memo fields in a report, the first few pages have a
larger bottom margin than is defined for the report. This bottom margin
decreases for each successive page in the report.
See "Workaround" in the "More Information" section below.
Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new information here in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
Steps to Reproduce Problem
NOTE: In the example below, it makes no difference if:
- The size of the data in the memo fields is different
- If the report is only 1 column
- If the report measurement is changed from "Inches" to "CM"
- If the font is changed
These details are provided simply to ensure that you see consistent
- Run the following code. This code closes any open tables, creates a
MEMOPRT table containing several memo fields, and populates the memo
fields with data.
CREATE TABLE memoprt (field1 M, field2 M, field3 M, field4 M, ;
field5 M, field6 M, field7 M, field8 M, ;
field9 M, field10 m)
INSERT INTO memoprt (field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, ;
field6, field7, field8, field9, field10) ;
VALUES (REPLICATE('a',3000), REPLICATE('b',3000), ;
REPLICATE('c',3000), REPLICATE('d',3000), ;
REPLICATE('e',3000), REPLICATE('f',3000), ;
REPLICATE('g',3000), REPLICATE('h',3000), ;
REPLICATE('i',3000), REPLICATE('j',3000))
- In the Command window, issue the following command:
- From the Report menu, choose Page Layout. Set Columns to 1, set
Dimensions to Inches, and set Print Area to Printable Page.
- In the Page Layout screen, choose the Font button, and then change the
font to Arial, Regular, 8 point.
- In the Detail band of the report, place each of the memo fields from the
MEMOPRT table; stack the fields one above the other. Size each memo
field so that it is the entire width of the band. In the Report
Expression dialog box for each memo field, select the Top -- Field Can
Stretch option under Position Relative To.
- From the Report menu, choose Page Preview. The bottom margin on the
first page is quite large. As you use the Next button to move to
successive pages, you will see that the bottom margin gradually becomes
smaller and smaller.
Place each memo field in a data group, as follows:
- Assuming you have performed steps 1-5 above, return to the Report Layout
- From the Report menu, choose Data Grouping.
- Choose the Add button.
- In the Group Info dialog box, choose the Group button. This opens the
Expression Builder dialog box.
- Select the first memo field in the Fields box.
- Choose OK twice. This will return you to the Data Grouping dialog box.
- Repeat steps 3-6 for all the memo fields.
- When you are done, choose OK to close the Data Grouping dialog box.
- Position each memo field within the data group you have defined for it
and choose Page Preview from the Report menu.
The text of the report should now flow more evenly to the bottom margin of
the page.