3.00 3.00b
kbtool kbbuglist kbfixlist
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b
You get the following error when changing the DynamicBackColor and
DynamicForeColor in a grid that has a class object added to a column and
that class object is the active control with the Sparse Property set to
false (.F.):
Expression evaluated to an illegal value
Change either the DynamicBackColor or the DynamicForeColor but not both. Or
use the default controls that the Form Builder offers.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products
listed at the beginning of this article. This problem has been fixed in
Visual FoxPro 5.0 for Windows.
Steps to Reproduce Problem
- Create a new class named CenterChk based on Container, and store it in
- In the Class Designer, set the following properties for the container:
Height = 19
Width = 68
BackStyle = 0-Transparent
BorderWidth = 0
- From the Form Controls toolbar, select the check box Control, and place
a check box in the container.
- Set the following Properties for the check box:
BackStyle 0-Transparent
Height = 16
Caption = ""
Width = 14
- With the check box selected, click Center Horizontally and Center
Vertically on the Format menu. Then save and close the class.
- Open the Tastrade.dbc in the VFP\Samples\Mainsamp\Data directory.
- Create a new form called TestGrid, and add a new property to the form
called nCurRec.
- Using the right mouse button, click the form to bring up the Data
Environment. Then using the right mouse button, click the Data
Environment. Click Add, and add the Products table.
- From the Form Controls toolbar, select the Grid control, and add a grid
to the form.
- Using the right mouse button, click the grid, and choose Builder. From
the Grid Builder, select the Products table. From the Available Fields,
select Product_id, Product_name, and Discontinued.
- Close the Builder by clicking OK.
- Set the following Property for the grid:
RowHeight = 19
- Using the right mouse button, click the grid, then click Edit.
- From the Form Controls toolbar, click the View Classes button and
choose Add. Select Mylib.vcx from the Open dialog box. From the Form
Controls Toolbar, select the CenterChk control, and add it to the
Discontinued Column on the grid.
- Set the following Properties for Column 3 in the grid:
CurrentControl CenterChk1
Width = 68
Sparse = .F.
- Set the following Property for Column 3 CenterChk1 Check1 in the grid:
ControlSource = products.discontinued
- Add the following code to the Init event of the grid:
'IIF(THISFORM.nCurRec == RECNO(), rgb(0,0,128), rgb(255,255,0))',;
THISFORM.Grid1.SETALL('DynamicForeColor', ;
'IIF(THISFORM.nCurRec == RECNO(), rgb(0,0,255), rgb(0,0,0))', ;
- Add the following code to the AfterRowColChange event of the grid:
- Save and run the form.
For more information on creating forms, please see Chapter 9 in the
Developer's Guide. For more information on creating classes, please see
Chapt1er 10 in the Developer's Guide. And for more information on using
controls on a form, please see Chapter 11 in the Developer's Guide.