FIX: FOPEN() Does Not Search Path Specified by SET PATHLast reviewed: October 29, 1997Article ID: Q137122 |
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The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSThe FOPEN() function fails to find a file in the path specified by the SET PATH command.
WORKAROUNDPlace the file to be opened by FOPEN in the Default Directory, or specify the file path when passing the filename to FOPEN().
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem has been fixed in Visual FoxPro 5.0 for Windows.
Steps to Reproduce ProblemCreate and run a program containing this code:
* Start of program * * This program assumes the existence of the file 'autoexec.bat' in the * c:\ directory. * Example - does not find file SET DEFAULT TO c:\temp && This directory must exist SET PATH TO c:\ nhand=FOPEN('autoexec.bat') && Returns -1 - FOPEN failed ?STR(nhand)+ " In SET PATH" * The following command returns 2 for "File not found" ?STR(FERROR()) + " FERROR Code" =FCLOSE(nhand) * Workaround 1 - finds file SET DEFAULT TO c:\ nhand2=FOPEN('autoexec.bat') && FOPEN succeeds in default directory ?STR(nhand2) + " In SET DEFAULT" =FCLOSE(nhand2) * Workaround 2 - finds file SET DEFAULT TO c:\temp && This directory must exist nhand3=FOPEN('c:\autoexec.bat') && FOPEN succeeds with path passed ?STR(nhand3) + " Path explicitly passed to FOPEN" =FCLOSE(nhand3) * End of program |
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