BUG: Update SQL Works Incorrectly with RAND() in WHERE ClauseLast reviewed: April 25, 1997Article ID: Q139048 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSUsing the RAND() in an SQL UPDATE's WHERE clause can cause random results to occur.
CAUSEThe value of RAND() changes each time it is evaluated, unlike most FoxPro functions. FoxPro's internal SQL parser evaluates it once to do the Rushmore optimization and once more as each filter condition is tested for each record. This causes unpredictable, random results.
RESOLUTIONInstead of using the RAND() function in the WHERE clause, assign the value of the RAND() function to a memory variable. Then use the variable in the WHERE clause. For an example, please see the "Code to Correct Problem" section of this article. A new RAND() can be generated for every record tested in the filter by putting RAND() in a User Defined Function (UDF) and calling the UDF in the SQL command in place of RAND():
SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE RAND() > .5In this example the article's CAUSE section applies:
SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE myudf() > .5 PROCEDURE myudf() RETURN RAND() STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
Code to Reproduce ProblemThe following code illustrates the problem. If there wasn't a problem, the code should make 1000 updates to the table. Instead, the update fails either 999 or 1000 times.
*-- Code Begins Here CREATE TABLE testfile.dbf ; (mach_id i, mach_name c(10), db_key i, updcount i) INDEX ON db_key TAG db_key SET ORDER TO SET STATUS BAR ON FOR ii = 1 TO 1000 INSERT INTO testfile.dbf VALUES (0, "", ii, 0) ENDFOR USE IN testfile USE testfile.dbf IN 0 SHARED SELECT testfile failcount = 0 passcount = 0 FOR ii = 1 to 1000 *updval = INT(RAND() * 1000 + 1) UPDATE testfile ; SET mach_id = 1, ; mach_name = 'JOHNDOE', ; updcount = updcount+1 ; WHERE db_key = INT(RAND() * 1000 + 1) IF _TALLY = 0 Failcount=Failcount + 1 ELSE passcount=passcount + 1 ENDIF SET MESSAGE TO ALLTRIM(STR(FAILCOUNT))+' Failed, '; +ALLTRIM(STR(PASSCOUNT))+' Passed' ENDFOR *-- Code Ends Here Code to Correct ProblemTo fix the problem, remove the '*' from the updval line and substitute 'updval'for 'INT(RAND() * 1000 + 1)' of the UPDATE's WHERE clause. The newline would look like the following:
WHERE db_key = updval |
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