The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 5.0
When you close a top-level form that contains a child form with the SSTab
Object ActiveX control on it, Visual FoxPro 5.0 hangs.
Use the Visual FoxPro 5.0 pageframe control instead of the SSTab control.
Microsoft is researching this behavior and will post new information here
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
The SSTab Object is an ActiveX control included with Visual FoxPro 5.0.
Before trying the Steps to Reproduce Behavior, you should make sure that
the SSTab Object is available. To check this, follow these steps:
- On the Tools menu, click Options and then click the Controls tab.
- Click ActiveX controls. Make sure that the Controls check box is
selected in the Show section.
- Scroll down the list of controls until you find the SSTab Object and
make sure that the it is selected.
- If the SSTab Object is not on the list, it should be reinstalled from
the Visual FoxPro 5.0 CD-ROM.
The actual .ocx file for the SSTab Object can be found in the
Windows\System directory(if you are using Windows 95) or the Winnt\System32
directory (if you are using Windows NT). It is named Tabctl32.ocx. It
should be version 4.01.0000 and be 162,064 bytes. To see this information,
display the properties of the .ocx file in Windows Explorer.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
WARNING: The following steps will lock up Visual FoxPro. It would be a good
idea to make sure everything in Visual FoxPro is saved and close down
any other running programs on the computer.
- Create a new form.
- Set the ShowWindow property of the form to 2 - As Top-Level Form.
- Add a command button to the form.
- In the Click method of the command button, place the following line of
DO FORM form2
- Save this form as Form1.scx and close it.
- Create another new form.
- Set the ShowWindow property of this form to 1 - In Top-Level Form.
- Add an OLE Container Control to the form.
- In the Insert Object dialog box that appears when the OLE Container
Control is added to the form, click Insert Control. Then scroll down
the Control Type list until you find the SSTab Object. Select it and
click OK.
- Set the following properties for this form (they are not really
necessary but make the form easier to work with):
AutoCenter = .T.
Height = 172
Width = 240
Adjust the size of the SSTab Object as necessary.
- Save this form as Form2.scx and close it.
- In the Visual FoxPro Command window, type the following command:
DO FORM form1
- Click the command button on the form that is now displayed. This brings
up the form with the SSTab Object on it.
- Now close the first form (the top-level form) by clicking the close
box in the upper-right corner.
NOTE: Do not close the second form with the SSTab Object on it first.
- The second form disappears and the first form is completely
unresponsive to the mouse or keyboard. If you are running Windows NT
or Windows 95, press CTRL+ALT+DEL to bring up the Task Manager or
press the Close Program dialog box (Windows 95) and close Form1.