The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b, 5.0, 5.0a
Visual FoxPro has a limitation on the length of report bands. The maximum
length for a single band is the page length.
It is possible to create a report that simulates a detail band with a
length greater than the length of a single page. This requires setting up a
dummy data grouping on RECNO(<table with records repeating in the detail
band>), and creating what amounts to a larger "virtual" Detail Band
comprised of the RECNO() Group Header, the actual Detail Band, and the
RECNO() Group Footer. See the MORE INFORMATION section of this document for
To create a sample report demonstrating this behavior, complete the
following steps:
- Create a new report.
- Make a Quick Report using Report/Quick Report from the Visual FoxPro
- Select the Customer table in the VFP\Samples\Data directory when
prompted for a table.
- Select the "Field layout" button on the right from the Quick Report
dialog box, then click OK.
- In the Report Designer, set up a data grouping. This is done by
selecting Report/Data Grouping from the menu.
- In the "Group expressions" box, type the expression "RECNO('customer'),"
without the outer quotes, into the top box. Optionally, you may select
the "Start each group on a new page" check box to start each new virtual
detail band on a new page. Click OK to close the dialog box.
- Double-click on the Page Header separator bar, and set the Page Header
height to .25", and select the "Constant band height" check box.
- Double-click on the Page Footer separator bar, and set the Page Footer
height to .25".
- To simulate a two-page "detail band," set the Group Header for the
RECNO() band height to 10 inches (for portrait page layout), and the
Detail Band height to 10 inches. These are accessed by double-clicking
the separator bar for each band. Select the "Constant band height" check
box for each band as well, then click OK to close the dialog box.
- To simulate a three-page "Detail Band," follow Step 9 above but also
set the Group Footer band height for the RECNO() band to 10 inches as
well and select the "Constant band height" check box, and then click OK
to close the dialog box.
- Place some of the fields added when the Quick report was made at the
top and bottom of each of the bands sized in Step 9 and optionally
Step 10.
- Preview the report. Each of the 10-inch bands print on a different
page, but since the group breaks on RECNO() the group header and footer
will also print information from that detail record alone.
- It is not necessary to have the Group and Detail bands exactly 10
inches, but the sum of the height of each of these individual bands plus
the Page Header and Page Footer heights should be around 10.5 inches.
- Having report fields that print memo data or are set to stretch can
cause unexpected results with the above scenario.