PRB: Using Views with Non-Unique Key FieldsLast reviewed: November 11, 1997Article ID: Q175933 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSWhen you use an updateable view that has a non-unique key field and you delete a single record, all records with a matching value in the source table are deleted.
-or-When you use an updateable view that has a non-unique key field and make changes affecting a key field, the following warning is displayed in a dialog box:
Warning: The key defined by the KeyField property for table <sourcetable> is not unique CAUSEOne of the assumptions associated with updateable views is that each of the records in the result set returned by the SQL Select statement are dependent upon a unique key. Because the view is updateable, changes affecting the key and updateable fields are reflected in the source table.
RESOLUTIONCreate views based on a unique key field or a unique combination of fields.
STATUSThis behavior is by design.
Steps to Reproduce BehaviorRun the following code:
*Begin code SET SAFETY OFF SET EXCLUSIVE ON CLOSE DATA ALL CREATE DATABASE viewdemo CREATE TABLE sourcea (myfirst c(10),mysecond N(1,0)) *Insert records INSERT INTO sourcea (myfirst,mysecond) VALUES ("Apple",1) INSERT INTO sourcea (myfirst,mysecond) VALUES ("Apple",2) INSERT INTO sourcea (myfirst,mysecond) VALUES ("Apple",3) INSERT INTO sourcea (myfirst,mysecond) VALUES ("Apple",4) CREATE SQL VIEW demoa ; AS SELECT * FROM sourcea ; ORDER BY myfirst && Create View =DBSETPROP('DEMOA','View','SendUpdates',.T.) && Enable Updates =DBSETPROP('DEMOA','View','UpdateType',1) && Use SQL Updates =DBSETPROP('DEMOA','View','WhereType',3) && Modify key / changed =DBSETPROP('DEMOA','View','UseMemoSize',255) && Memo size = 255 =DBSETPROP('DEMOA','View','MaxRecords',-1) && All Records =DBSETPROP('DEMOA','View','Tables','sourcea') && Source table =DBSETPROP('DEMOA','View','FetchMemo',.F.) && Don't get memo =DBSETPROP('DEMOA','View','FetchSize',100) && Fetch size=100 =DBSETPROP('DEMOA.myfirst','Field','KeyField',.T.) && Key Field =DBSETPROP('DEMOA.myfirst','Field','Updatable',.T.) && Updateable =DBSETPROP('DEMOA.myfirst','Field','UpdateName','sourcea.myfirst') =DBSETPROP('DEMOA.myfirst','Field','DataType',"C(10)") =DBSETPROP('DEMOA.mysecond','Field','KeyField',.F.) && Not a key field =DBSETPROP('DEMOA.mysecond','Field','Updatable',.T.)&& Updateable =DBSETPROP('DEMOA.mysecond','Field','UpdateName','sourcea.mysecond') =DBSETPROP('DEMOA.mysecond','Field','DataType',"N(1,0)") SELECT sourcea BROWSE TITLE "BASE TABLE FOR SQL VIEW" NODELETE NOEDIT NOAPPEND ; TIMEOUT(5) USE demoa GO TOP REPLACE myfirst WITH "Orange" && Replace in one record =TABLEUPDATE(.T.,.T.,'DEMOA') SELECT sourcea GO TOP BROWSE TITLE "BASE TABLE AFTER A SINGLE REPLACE IN A VIEW WITH" + ; " Non-unique keyfield" NODELETE NOEDIT NOAPPEND TIMEOUT(5) SELECT demoa =REQUERY("DEMOA") GO TOP DELETE && Delete one record =TABLEUPDATE(.T.,.T.,'DEMOA') SELECT sourcea GO TOP BROWSE TITLE "BASE TABLE AFTER DELETING ONE RECORD IN A VIEW WITH" + ; " Non-unique keyfield" NODELETE NOEDIT NOAPPEND TIMEOUT(5) * Now create unique key fields in base table DO WHILE !EOF() IF DELETED() RECALL && Recall deleted records ENDIF REPLACE myfirst WITH "Apple "+ALLTRIM(STR(RECNO())) && Set Unique Key SKIP ENDDO GO TOP BROWSE TITLE "BASE TABLE TABLE FOR SQL VIEW" NODELETE NOEDIT ; NOAPPEND TIMEOUT(5) SELECT demoa =REQUERY("demoa") GO TOP REPLACE myfirst WITH "Orange" && Replace in one record =TABLEUPDATE(.T.,.T.,'DEMOA') SELECT sourcea BROWSE TITLE "BASE TABLE AFTER A SINGLE REPLACE IN A VIEW WITH" + ; " Unique keyfield" NODELETE NOEDIT NOAPPEND TIMEOUT(5) SELECT demoa =REQUERY("DEMOA") GO TOP LOCA FOR myfirst="Orange" DELETE && Delete one record =TABLEUPDATE(.T.,.T.,'DEMOA') SELECT sourcea GO TOP BROWSE TITLE "BASE TABLE AFTER DELETING ONE RECORD IN VIEW WITH" + ; " Unique keyfield" NODELETE NOEDIT NOAPPEND TIMEOUT(5) RETURN *End codeWith a non-unique key included in the SQL View, the first browse window displays four records with "Apple" in the Myfirst field. The second browse window displays four records with "Orange" in the Myfirst field. The third browse window displays four deleted records with "Orange" in the Myfirst field. This behavior is not observed when the KeyField of the SQL View is unique.
Additional query words: kbprg kbtshoot vfoxwin vfoxmac
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