The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0
- Microsoft FoxPro for Windows, versions 2.5 and 2.5a
Microsoft FoxPro for Windows comes with a spelling checker utility. To
use this utility, choose Spelling from the Text menu. If the utility
doesn't work, check the items listed below.
In order to use the spelling checker utility, the following conditions
must be met:
- An editing window must be open, for example, a program file, memo
field, or a text file.
- SPELLCHK.APP must be on the system.
- The system variable _SPELLCHK must contain the full path to the
SPELLCHK.APP file (including the filename).
To check the value of _SPELLCHK, type "?_SPELLCHK" (without the
quotation marks) or "DISPLAY MEMORY" (without the quotation marks)
in the Command window.
If _SPELLCHK is blank, issue _SPELLCHK=" <pathname> <filename>" in
the Command window or in the CONFIG.FPW file. For example:
- The file FOXTOOLS.FLL must be in the FoxPro root directory.
NOTE: In a distributed executable, FOXTOOLS.FLL must be in the same
directory as the ESL file. Typically the Visual FoxPro ESL file is
located in the Windows\System directory.