Description of the Active Setup Log.txt File

Last reviewed: January 5, 1998
Article ID: Q178081
The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 for Windows 95
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 for Windows NT 4.0


This article describes the Active Setup Log.txt file.


You can use the Active Setup Log.txt file to help you troubleshoot Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup issues. This log is generated by the Internet Explorer Setup wizard (the Ie4wzd.exe file), and provides you with an overview of the Setup process, including the download and installation of Internet Explorer and add-on components. The log is intended to give you a step-by-step view of the Setup process, and an in-depth analysis of Setup issues.

This article contains typical Active Setup Log.txt files, with descriptions of the important entries. Note that the entries in the log correspond directly to the progress of the Internet Explorer Setup process. The log can be divided into several parts:

  • Installing the Active Setup engine (if necessary)
  • Determining the existing configuration
  • Preparing for Setup
  • Downloading files (if necessary)
  • Installing specified components
  • Recording success
  • Asking for user preferences
  • Handing control over to the Softboot.exe file

Errors are indicated in the Active Setup Log.txt file by either the word "error" or the word "fail." When you are searching a log file, you should use "error" and "fail" as keywords. You can use the log to determine the point at which Setup stops working properly. Successful operations are indicated with a return code of "0" or "1" and are usually followed by "(OK)."

NOTE: The Active Setup Log.txt file is not created when you upgrade Internet Explorer 4.0 to Internet Explorer 4.01 from the Internet Explorer Component Download Web page. To force Active Setup Log.txt information to be displayed on screen when upgrading from the Addon page, add the "SteppingMode" (without quotation marks) string value with a value of "Y" (without quoation marks) under the following registry key:


The following sections are samples of the Active Setup Log.txt file:

Setup from Internet Explorer 4.0 CD-ROM Upgrading Internet Explorer 3.02a

Logging information for IE4Setup.exe...

Date:10/29/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:20:36:32

  • Date and Time the log was started.

Command line:/S:"F:\EN\IE40\IE4SETUP.EXE":
  • This command specifies the starting location of the Ie4setup.exe file. This path is later used to check for the existence of the Ie4setup.ini file.

Registry entry Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\iexplore.exe found AppPath entry :C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe: File Version :C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe: Version: Default install path:C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer:
  • Active Setup is checking for a previous version of Internet Explorer.

Found ie4setup.ini with valid Signature. Assume Local (CD) install.
  • Active Setup is checking for the Ie4setup.ini file to determine if this is a CD-ROM, hard disk, or Web-based installation. The absence of this line indicates a Web-based installation.

Checking :Win95:
  • Active Setup is determining your computer's operating system.

ValidateBrowserModeInINI :F:\EN\IE40\ie4setup.ini: INI entry for Shell Integration :1: Integrated browser downloaded, but not running
  • Active Setup is checking the Ie4setup.ini file to verify the existence, or status, of the Windows Desktop Update component.

ValidateSetupMode :F:\EN\IE40\ie4setup.ini:
  • Active Setup is checking for available Setup modes.

Checking for IE4 version. File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHELL32.DLL: Version: File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shdocvw.dll: Version: Initialized OLE.
  • Active Setup is checking the computer for the existence and version of the indicated files to determine if Internet Explorer 4.0 is installed.

Language check. Shell32.dll:0x0409: Setup:0x0409:
  • Active Setup is checking the language version of the operating system.

On Welcome page.
  • This indicates that the Internet Explorer 4.0 Welcome dialog box is displayed.

On EULA page.
  • This indicates that the Internet Explorer 4.0 License Agreement dialog box is displayed.

Version of ActiveX files. File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\wininet.dll: Version: File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\urlmon.dll: Version: File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shdocvw.dll: Version: File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shlwapi.dll: Version: Version of trust files. File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Wintrust.dll: Version:5.0.1541.32 File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\digsig.dll: Version:4.73.1381.16 File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\INSENG.DLL: Version:4.71.1712.3 File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\JOBEXEC.DLL: Version:4.71.1712.3
  • Active Setup is checking the versions of the indicated files.

Run setup command. File:C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:AXControl.Register: RunSetupCommand returned :0:
  • Active Setup is processing sections in the Ie4setup.inf file as indicated to prepare for installation. In this case, the specified section, AXControl.Register, is processed.

On Setup Option page. Allowed setup modes :12:
  • This indicates that the Install/Download dialog box is displayed.

AskTrustQuestion from reg:0: AskTrustQuestion :3: Added Microsoft as trusted provider. Write MS trust key. Write MS trust key 1. Write MS trust key 2.
  • Active Setup is determining if trust checking is available. Trust checking is used to verify the size of the cabinet (.cab) files and their signature after the cabinet files are downloaded.

On setup mode page. Setup mode selected :2:
  • This indicates the Setup mode dialog box with your selection is displayed. The setup modes are Browser Only, Standard and Full, and are denoted by mode 0, mode 1, and mode 2 respectively.

On setup mode2 page. Integrated Browser:1:. Locale from registry :7:
  • This indicates that the Shell Mode dialog box with your selection is displayed. The installation of the Windows Desktop Update is denoted by either 0(do not install the new user interface) or 1(install the new user interface).

On Content Language Page Date:10/29/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:20:36:46 Content selected :United States:
  • This indicates that the Content Language dialog box with your selection is displayed.

On setup install dir page. Install dir :C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer:. Install dir :C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer:.
  • This indicates that the Install Path dialog box with your selection is displayed.

On prepare setup page. Date:10/29/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:20:36:47
  • This indicates that the Preparing Setup dialog box is displayed.

Run setup command. File:C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:Job.Default: RunSetupCommand returned :0: Run setup command. File:C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:Job: RunSetupCommand returned :0: Run setup command. File:C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:Integrated_Shell: RunSetupCommand returned :0: Run setup command. File:C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\content.inf: Section:English_(United_States)_Sec: RunSetupCommand returned :0:
  • Active Setup is processing the required sections of the Ie4setup.inf file.

Check for MFC files. File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\mfc40.dll: Version: File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\msvcrt40.dll: Version: File Version :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\olepro32.dll: Version:5.0.4055.1 Run setup command. File:C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:MFCInstalled: RunSetupCommand returned :0:
  • Active Setup is checking the status of the indicated files. If these are not up-to-date, a flag is marked for the Ie4wzd.exe file to include download and/or installation of these files.

CheckTrustEx on :F:\EN\IE40\IE4SETUP.EXE: returned :0
  • Active Setup is checking the trust on the Ie4setup.exe file. A successful trust check is indicated by a return code of "0" or "1." "0" indicates that the trust check was performed and passed. "1" indicates that the trust checking was not available on the computer and assumes a pass. This can occur if you do not have Internet Explorer 3.x with authenticode 2 installed as your previous browser.

Install Engine - download directory set to F:\EN\IE40
  • This specifies the location of the Internet Explorer cabinet files that are used to install Internet Explorer and specifies the download folder.

Initialize job:Job.IE4: Using local instruction file from F:\EN\IE40\IE40CIF.CAB Initial timing rates: Download: 0, Install 60000 Instruction extract done: hr = 0 (OK) Return from InitializeJob :0 Initialize job:Job.IE4: returned.
  • Active Setup is downloading and reading the cabinet information file (CIF) for setup instructions.

On diskspace check page.
  • Active Setup is verifying that there is adequate free hard disk space to install Internet Explorer using information from the CIF.

Checking install status for items in Internet Explorer 4.0 Web browser
    BASEIE40_Win is not installed
    JAVAVM is not installed
    ICW_Win is not installed
    fontcore is not installed
    BRANDING.CAB is not installed
    IEJAVA is not installed
    IE4Shell_Win is not installed
    ChlEN-US is not installed
Checking install status for items in Communication Components
    netmeeting is not installed
    MailNews is not installed
    Comicchat is not installed
Checking install status for items in Multimedia Components
    Netshow is not installed
    Activemovie is not installed
    DirectAnimation is not installed
    msindeo5 is not installed
    DirectXMini is not installed
    DirectDrawEx is not installed
    vdoplayer is not installed
    mini_iamusic is not installed
    vrml is not in the chosen mode
    msie4sound is not in the chosen mode
    Director is not in the chosen mode
    Flash is not in the chosen mode
    Agent is not in the chosen mode
    RealPlayer is not installed
Checking install status for items in Web Authoring Components
    Frontpad is not installed
    Webpublish is not installed
    Tridata is not installed
Checking install status for items in Additional ActiveX Controls
    msvbvm50 is not installed
    ActivePayment is not installed
    MSTask is not in the chosen mode
    fontsup is not in the chosen mode
Checking install status for items in Custom Optional Components BASEIE40_Win will be installed JAVAVM will be installed ICW_Win will be installed fontcore will be installed BRANDING.CAB will be installed IEJAVA will be installed IE4Shell_Win will be installed ChlEN-US will be installed netmeeting will be installed MailNews will be installed Comicchat will be installed Netshow will be installed Activemovie will be installed DirectAnimation will be installed msindeo5 will be installed DirectXMini will be installed DirectDrawEx will be installed vdoplayer will be installed mini_iamusic will be installed RealPlayer will be installed Frontpad will be installed Webpublish will be installed Tridata will be installed msvbvm50 will be installed ActivePayment will be installed SetInstallOption returned 0. SetInstallMode returned 0.
  • This specifies the checklist of components that are to be installed.

Sizes for install and download: Install: 5525, Install(Windows): 57478, Download: 0 Req sizes for drives Install: 0, Windows: 63312, Download: 0 Diskspace check. KBReqWinDir:63312: KBAvailWinDir:1722848: KBReqInstallDir:0: KBAvailInstallDir:0: KBReqDownloadDir:0: KBAvailDownloadDir:0 Diskspace check. KBReqWinDir:75312: KBAvailWinDir:1722848: KBReqInstallDir:0: KBAvailInstallDir:0: KBReqDownloadDir:0: KBAvailDownloadDir:0
  • Active Setup is recording the disk space requirements.

About to install user selected components. Date:10/29/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:20:36:52

Checkin :F:\EN\IE40\ie4setup.ini:, Section :Options:, Name :ConfirmFileList:, Value:0:

  • Active Setup is checking the ConfirmFileList option in the Ie4setup.ini file. If this is set to 1, then downloaded components and their sizes are listed in the Ie4setup.ini file. These sizes are compared to the current size of the files on the hard disk to ensure that they have not been deleted or damaged since the original download. The Ie4setup.ini file on the CD-ROM has this option set to 0 so that this check is not done.

Install Engine - Starting install phase


   Download: 0 KB
   Install 63003 KB

  • Installation begins.

    Instruction trust check done: hr = 0 (OK)

    • Setup is performing a trust check on the file.

    NOTE: The following section is the installation of the Internet Explorer core files.

    ****** Install for component - BASEIE40_Win****** OnStartComponent:

       ID: BASEIE40_Win
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 22700 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1722816

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result:
       0 (OK)
    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0
    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0
    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0
    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0
    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0
  • Active Setup is extracting and performing a trust check on the cabinet (.cab) files necessary for Internet Explorer Setup. The .cab files are extracted into the temporary download folder.

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\ieclean.inf, section: Default

    • Active Setup is removing files left over from previous beta versions of Internet Explorer 4.0 that are no longer needed.

    Launching exe: command: "C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\ie4batch.exe" /T nashbase.stf /S %s /QT /g "C:\WINDOWS\IE4 Setup Log.Txt" Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 539000
    • This is the command line used to start Setup.

       ID: BASEIE40_Win
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
  • This is the results of the first phase of Setup when the Internet Explorer core files are installed. If a problem occurs here, you should view the Ie4 Setup Log.txt file for more information.

    NOTE: The following sections are the installation of the Internet Explorer components. Each component has a dependency check, extraction, trust checking, installation, and results check.

    ****** Install for component - IE4Shell_Win****** Dependency check - BASEIE40_Win OnStartComponent:

       ID: IE4Shell_Win
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 1600 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1683520
    • Dependency Check - This is a check to make sure that a component that is necessary for the proper operation of the following components has been installed. In this case, the IE4Shell_Win component is not installed unless the Internet Explorer core files (BASEIE40_WIN) are already installed.

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0
    File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result:
       0 (OK)
  • Setup is extracting cabinet files and performing a trust check.

    Launching exe: command: "C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\langchk.exe" Exe return code: 0 Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\ie4shell.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 479600

    • Starting component Setup.

       ID: IE4Shell_Win
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
  • Setup is checking the results of the component Setup.

    ****** Install for component - JAVAVM******

    Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:

       ID: JAVAVM
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 6300 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1680000

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    Launching exe: command: "C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\javatrig.exe" /l /saveroll /ie40 /q Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 429110


       ID: JAVAVM
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - ICW_Win****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: ICW_Win
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 1182 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1670944

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\icw95.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 391893


       ID: ICW_Win
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - Fontcore****** Dependency check - MINIE40_WIN OnStartComponent:
       ID: Fontcore
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 907 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1670304

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result:
       0 (OK)
    Launching exe: command: "C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\fontinst.exe" Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\fontcore.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 785359

    Checking results: OnStopComponent:

       ID: Fontcore
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - IEJAVA****** Dependency check - JAVAVM OnStartComponent:
       ID: IEJAVA
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 90 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1669888

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK)

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\iejava.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 785359


       ID: IEJAVA
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - ChlEN-US****** Dependency check - MINIE40_WIN OnStartComponent:
       ID: ChlEN-US
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 10 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1669856

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result:
       0 (OK)
    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\chlen-us.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 785359


       ID: ChlEN-US
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - BRANDING.CAB****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 1 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1664512

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result:
       0 (OK)
    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\INSTALL.INF, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 785359


       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - netmeeting****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: netmeeting
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 4515 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1664416

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK)

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\msnetmtg.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 740155


       ID: netmeeting
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - MailNews****** Dependency check - BASEIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: MailNews
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 2304 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1664320

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result:
       0 (OK)
    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\msimn.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 680131


       ID: MailNews
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - comicchat****** OnStartComponent:
       ID: comicchat
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 4304 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1659296

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK)

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\cchat2.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 810761


       ID: comicchat
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - Netshow****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: Netshow
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 3827 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1654688

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK)

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\nsplayer.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 792796


       ID: Netshow
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - RealPlayer****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: RealPlayer
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 1676 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1650496

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\r32msie4.exe, Result: 0

    Launching exe: command: "C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\r32msie4.exe" Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 696526


       ID: RealPlayer
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - DirectAnimation****** Dependency check - MINIE40_WIN OnStartComponent:
       ID: DirectAnimation
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 2200 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1653344

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\axaie4.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1515297


       ID: DirectAnimation
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - activemovie****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: activemovie
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 1024 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1651072

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK)

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\amov4ie.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1306902


       ID: activemovie
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - msindeo5****** Dependency check - MINIE40_WIN OnStartComponent:
       ID: msindeo5
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 1460 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1646784

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK)

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\ir50_32.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1411466


       ID: msindeo5
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - DirectXMini****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: DirectXMini
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 746 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1645248

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK)

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\msdxmini.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1277596


       ID: DirectXMini
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - Mini_IAMusic****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: Mini_IAMusic
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 176 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1644832

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK)

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\msmusctl.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1277596


       ID: Mini_IAMusic
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - VDOPlayer****** Dependency check - MINIE40_WIN OnStartComponent:
       ID: VDOPlayer
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 300 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1644160

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK)

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\vdolive.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1100656


       ID: VDOPlayer
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - DirectDrawEx****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: DirectDrawEx
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 83 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1643520

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK)

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\msdxddex.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1100656


       ID: DirectDrawEx
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - Frontpad****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: Frontpad
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 3913 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1643360

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result:
       0 (OK)
    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\fpxpress.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1084807


       ID: Frontpad
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - webpublish****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: webpublish
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 854 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1638560

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result:
       0 (OK)
    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\wpie4x86.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1103435


       ID: webpublish
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - Tridata****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: Tridata
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 684 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1637504

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK) File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0 (OK)

    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\ie4data.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1140719


       ID: Tridata
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - msvbvm50****** OnStartComponent:
       ID: msvbvm50
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 1347 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1636448

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result:
       0 (OK)
    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\msvbvm50.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1229861


       ID: msvbvm50
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - ActivePayment****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: ActivePayment
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 800 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 1635104

    CheckTrust: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result: 0

    File extraction: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\, Result:
       0 (OK)
    Launching Inf - inf: C:\WINDOWS\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\cabpayie.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 0, Install 1282531


       ID: ActivePayment
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Status: 1
    InstallJob return hr:0: Status:1
    • Setup is checking results for the entire process to determine if a dialog box indicating a problem is needed.

    Install Engine - object destroyed Run setup command. File:C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:IE4Setup.Success: RunSetupCommand returned :0: Date:10/29/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:20:42:38 End of Logging.
    • Releasing Setup engine and removing temporary files and folders.

    Setup from Internet Web Site Upgrading Internet Explorer 4.0

    Logging information for IE4Setup.exe...

    Date:11/4/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:19:12:23

    • Date and Time the log was started.

    Command line:/S:"D:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\IE4SETUP.EXE":
    • This is the command line that specifies the starting location of the Ie4setup.exe file. This path is later used to check for the existence of the Ie4setup.ini file.

    Checking for previous version of Internet Explorer. Registry entry Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\iexplore.exe found AppPath entry :D:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe: File Version :D:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe: Version:4.71.1712.0 Default install path:D:\Program Files\Internet Explorer:

    NOTE: There is no message indicating the existence of the Ie4setup.ini or Ie4setup.dir files. The absence of this indicates Internet Explorer is being installed from the Internet rather than CD-ROM or hard disk.

    Checking for IE4 version. File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHELL32.DLL: Version:4.71.1712.3 Currently Integrated Browser :1. Integrated Browser choise :1. Initialized OLE.

    • Active Setup is checking files to determine if Internet Explorer 4.0 is installed.

    Language check. Shell32.dll:0x0409: Setup:0x0409:
    • Active Setup is checking the language version of your operating system.

    On Welcome page.
    • This indicates Internet Explorer Welcome dialog box is displayed.

    On EULA page.
    • This indicates Internet Explorer License Agreement dialog box is displayed.

    ActiveX files: File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\wininet.dll: Version:4.71.1712.5 File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\urlmon.dll: Version:4.71.1712.4 File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shdocvw.dll: Version:4.71.1712.5 File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shlwapi.dll: Version:4.71.1712.0 Trust files: File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Wintrust.dll: Version:5.101.1670.1 File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\digsig.dll: Version:5.0.1541.64 File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\INSENG.DLL: Version:4.71.1712.3 File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\JOBEXEC.DLL: Version:4.71.1712.3
    • Active Setup is checking the version of indicated files.

    Run setup command. File:D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:AXControl.Install: RunSetupCommand returned :0:
    • Active Setup is processing sections in the Ie4setup.inf file as indicated to prepare for installation. In this case, the specified section, AXControl.Install, is processed.

    On Setup Option page. Setup Options :6:.
    • This indicates that the Install/Download dialog box is displayed.

    AskTrustQuestion from reg:0: AskTrustQuestion :3: Added Microsoft as trusted provider. Write MS trust key. Write MS trust key 1. Write MS trust key 2.
    • Active Setup is determining if trust checking is available. Trust checking is used to verify the size of the cabinet (.cab) files and their signature after the cabinet files are downloaded.

    On setup mode page. Setup mode selected :1: Locale from registry :7:
    • This indicates that the Setup mode dialog box and your selection is displayed.

    On Content Language Page Date:11/4/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:19:12:32 Content selected :United States:
    • This indicates that the Content Language dialog box and your selection is displayed.

    On setup install dir page. Install dir :D:\Program Files\Internet Explorer:. Install dir :D:\Program Files\Internet Explorer:. Setup lang :0409: Download dir lang :0409: On Install Location Page Date:11/4/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:19:12:34
    • This indicates that the Install/Download Path dialog box and your selection is displayed.

    Download site URL: HTTP://<download server path>/IE4SITES.DAT g_lpInstallSiteMgr->Initialize :0:
    • Active Setup is attempting to download the Ie4sites.dat file using the indicated Web address. This also indicates the result of the download.

    Selected region:North America: Download site selected :HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab: Site :HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab: Name :Web Site - <download server>:
    • Active Setup displays a dialog box noting the download site specified by your selection.

    On prepare setup page. Date:11/4/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:19:12:37
    • Active Setup is preparing to display the Setup dialog box.

    Run setup command. File:D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:Job.Default: RunSetupCommand returned :0: Run setup command. File:D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:Job: RunSetupCommand returned :0: Run setup command. File:D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:Integrated_Shell: RunSetupCommand returned :0: Run setup command. File:D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\content.inf: Section:English_(United_States)_Sec: RunSetupCommand returned :0:
    • Active Setup is processing the required sections of the Ie4setup.inf file.

    Check for MFC files. File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\mfc40.dll: Version: File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\msvcrt40.dll: Version: File Version :D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\olepro32.dll: Version: Run setup command. File:D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:MFCInstalled: RunSetupCommand returned :0:
    • Active Setup is checking the status of the indicated files. If these are not up-to-date, a flag is marked for the Ie4wzd.exe file to include download and/or installation of these files.

    CheckTrustEx on :D:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\IE4SETUP.EXE: returned :0
    • Active Setup is checking trust on the Ie4setup.exe file. A successful trust check is indicated by a return code of "0" or "1." "0" indicates that the trust check was performed and passed. "1" indicates that the trust checking was not available on the computer and assumes a pass. This can occur if you do not have Internet Explorer 3.x with authenticode 2 installed as your previous browser.

    Install Engine - download directory set to D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup
    • This specifies the location of the Internet Explorer cabinet files that are used to install Internet Explorer and creates the download folder.

    Initialize job:Job.IE4: Instruction download started - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/IE40CIF.CAB, Dest: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\tempcif.tmp Instruction download complete: hr = 0 (OK) Initial timing rates: Download: 0, Install 60000 Instruction extract done: hr = 0 (OK) Return from InitializeJob :0 Initialize job:Job.IE4: returned.
    • Active Setup is downloading and reading the cabinet information file (CIF) for setup instructions.

    On diskspace check page.
    • Active Setup is verifying that there is adequate free hard disk space to install Internet Explorer using information from the CIF.

    Checking install status for items in Internet Explorer 4.0 Web browser
        BASEIE40_Win old version is already installed
        JAVAVM old version is already installed
        ICW_Win is already installed
        fontcore is already installed
        BRANDING.CAB is already installed
        IEJAVA old version is already installed
        IE4Shell_Win old version is already installed
        ChlEN-US is already installed
    Checking install status for items in Communication Components
        netmeeting is not in the chosen mode
        MailNews old version is already installed
        Comicchat is not in the chosen mode
    Checking install status for items in Multimedia Components
        Netshow is not in the chosen mode
        Activemovie old version is already installed
        DirectAnimation old version is already installed
        msindeo5 is not in the chosen mode
        DirectXMini is already installed
        DirectDrawEx is already installed
        vdoplayer is already installed
        mini_iamusic old version is already installed
        vrml is not in the chosen mode
        msie4sound is not in the chosen mode
        Director is not in the chosen mode
        Flash is not in the chosen mode
        Agent is not in the chosen mode
        RealPlayer is not in the chosen mode
    Checking install status for items in Web Authoring Components
        Frontpad is not in the chosen mode
        Webpublish is not in the chosen mode
        Tridata old version is already installed
        scrptdbg is not in the chosen mode
    Checking install status for items in Additional ActiveX Controls
        msvbvm50 is not in the chosen mode
        ActivePayment old version is already installed
        MSTask is not in the chosen mode
        fontsup is not in the chosen mode
    Checking install status for items in Custom Optional Components User choose to Upgrade Only BASEIE40_Win will be installed JAVAVM will be installed IEJAVA will be installed IE4Shell_Win will be installed MailNews will be installed Activemovie will be installed DirectAnimation will be installed mini_iamusic will be installed Tridata will be installed ActivePayment will be installed SetInstallOption returned 0. SetInstallMode returned 0.
    • This specifies the checklist of components that are to be installed.

    Sizes for install and download: Install: 4600, Install(Windows): 33278, Download: 15082 Req sizes for drives Install: 0, Windows: 52960, Download: 0 Diskspace check. KBReqWinDir:52960: KBAvailWinDir:136376: KBReqInstallDir:0: KBAvailInstallDir:0: KBReqDownloadDir:0: KBAvailDownloadDir:0 Diskspace check. KBReqWinDir:66960: KBAvailWinDir:136376: KBReqInstallDir:0: KBAvailInstallDir:0: KBReqDownloadDir:0: KBAvailDownloadDir:0
    • Active Setup is recording disk space requirements.

    About to install user selected components. Date:11/4/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:19:12:56
    • Active Setup is preparing to download files.

    Create Ie4setup.ini in D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup. Copy :D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\this.txt: to :D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\This folder is safe to delete.txt: Copy :D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\ie4.txt: to :D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\ie4.txt:
    • Active Setup is creating the Ie4setup.ini file and other files in the download folder.

    Date:11/4/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:19:12:57 Install Engine - Starting download phase
    • This indicates that the download is started.

       Download: 15082 KB
       Install 0 KB
    Instruction trust check done: hr = 0 (OK)
    • Active Setup is performing a trust check on the file.

    NOTE: The following component downloads consists of the download, followed by a trust check of each file. If the download times-out or if the trust check returns an error, another attempt to download the file and the Web address used is specified. If the download does not complete more than twice, a different Web address is used and another attempt is made. This process continues until either the file has been retrieved successfully or the download wizard has tried four different Web addresses.

    ****** Download for component - BASEIE40_Win****** OnStartComponent:

       ID: BASEIE40_Win
       Download: 7694 KB
       Install 0 KB
    Downloading URL0 - Source: HTTP:// <download server path>/en/cab/SETUPW95.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\SETUPW95.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\SETUPW95.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Downloading URL1 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/IE4_S1.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S1.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S1.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Downloading URL2 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/IE4_S2.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S2.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S2.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Downloading URL3 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/IE4_S3.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S3.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S3.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Downloading URL4 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/IE4_S4.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S4.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S4.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Downloading URL5 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/IE4_S5.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S5.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S5.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Downloading URL6 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/IE4_S6.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S6.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4_S6.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Timing rates: Download: 356303, Install 60000
    • Active Setup is downloading and trust checking Internet Explorer core files.

       ID: BASEIE40_Win
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 9
       Status: 0
  • Active Setup is checking the results.

    ****** Download for component - IE4Shell_Win****** Dependency check - BASEIE40_Win OnStartComponent:

       ID: IE4Shell_Win
       Download: 796 KB
       Install 0 KB
    Component Download/Trust check: Downloading URL0 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/IE4SHL95.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4SHL95.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4SHL95.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Timing rates: Download: 335257, Install 60000
    • Dependency Check - This is a check to make sure that a component that is necessary for the proper operation of the following components has been installed. In this case, the IE4Shell_Win component is not installed unless the Internet Explorer core files are already installed.

       ID: IE4Shell_Win
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 9
       Status: 0
  • Active Setup is checking the results.

    ****** Download for component - JAVAVM****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:

       ID: JAVAVM
       Download: 2918 KB
       Install 0 KB
    Component Download/Trust check: Downloading URL0 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/JAVI386.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\JAVI386.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\JAVI386.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Timing rates: Download: 311968, Install 60000


       ID: JAVAVM
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 9
       Status: 0
    ****** Download for component - IEJAVA****** Dependency check - JAVAVM OnStartComponent:
       ID: IEJAVA
       Download: 24 KB
       Install 0 KB
    Component Download/Trust check: Downloading URL0 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/IEJAVA.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IEJAVA.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IEJAVA.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Timing rates: Download: 311968, Install 60000


       ID: IEJAVA
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 9
       Status: 0
    ****** Download for component - MailNews****** Dependency check - BASEIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: MailNews
       Download: 1552 KB
       Install 0 KB
    Component Download/Trust check: Downloading URL0 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/MAILNEWS.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\MAILNEWS.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\MAILNEWS.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Timing rates: Download: 291122, Install 60000


       ID: MailNews
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 9
       Status: 0
    ****** Download for component - DirectAnimation****** Dependency check - MINIE40_WIN OnStartComponent:
       ID: DirectAnimation
       Download: 795 KB
       Install 0 KB
    Component Download/Trust check: Downloading URL0 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/AXA.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\AXA.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\AXA.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Timing rates: Download: 271753, Install 60000


       ID: DirectAnimation
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 9
       Status: 0
    ****** Download for component - activemovie****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: activemovie
       Download: 506 KB
       Install 0 KB
    Component Download/Trust check: Downloading URL0 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/AMOV4IE.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\AMOV4IE.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\AMOV4IE.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Timing rates: Download: 254690, Install 60000


       ID: activemovie
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 9
       Status: 0
    ****** Download for component - Mini_IAMusic****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: Mini_IAMusic
       Download: 172 KB
       Install 0 KB
    Component Download/Trust check: Downloading URL0 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/MSMUS_1.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\MSMUS_1.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\MSMUS_1.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Timing rates: Download: 254690, Install 60000


       ID: Mini_IAMusic
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 9
       Status: 0
    ****** Download for component - Tridata****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: Tridata
       Download: 319 KB
       Install 0 KB
    Component Download/Trust check: Downloading URL0 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/IE4DATA.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4DATA.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\IE4DATA.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Timing rates: Download: 239286, Install 60000


       ID: Tridata
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 9
       Status: 0
    ****** Download for component - ActivePayment****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: ActivePayment
       Download: 306 KB
       Install 0 KB
    Component Download/Trust check: Downloading URL0 - Source: HTTP://<download server path>/en/cab/MSWALLET.CAB, Dest D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\MSWALLET.CAB CheckTrust: D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\MSWALLET.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Timing rates: Download: 226043, Install 60000


       ID: ActivePayment
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 9
       Status: 0
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Status: 0
    Date:11/4/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:19:14:19
    • Install Engine - Download complete

    End Download DownloadJob return :0:
    • This indicates the end of the download process and returns a success.

    Write Signature to ie4setup.ini in D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup.
    • Active Setup has finished writing the Ie4setup.ini file.

    Copy package IE4SETUP.EXE from D:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP to D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup. Checkin :D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup\ie4setup.ini:, Section :Options:, Name :ConfirmFileList:, Value:: Install Engine - Starting install phase.
    • Active Setup places the Ie4setup.exe file into the download folder.

    Checking for missing files
    • Active Setup is checking for missing files using the ConfirmFileList section of the Ie4setup.ini file.

    NOTE: The following is the installation of Internet Explorer 4.0 components:


       Download: 0 KB
       Install 37878 KB
    ****** Install for component - BASEIE40_Win****** OnStartComponent:
       ID: BASEIE40_Win
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 22700 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 132352 CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\SETUPW95.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\SETUPW95.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S1.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S1.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S2.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S2.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S3.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S3.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S4.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S4.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S5.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S5.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S6.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4_S6.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Launching Inf - inf: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\ieclean.inf, section: Default Launching exe: command: "C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\ie4batch.exe" /T nashbase.stf /S %s /QT /g "D:\WINDOWS\IE4 Setup Log.Txt" Timing rates: Download: 226043, Install 282000 OnStopComponent:
       ID: BASEIE40_Win
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - IE4Shell_Win****** Dependency check - BASEIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: IE4Shell_Win
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 1600 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 120184 CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4SHL95.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4SHL95.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Launching exe: command: "C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\langchk.exe" Exe return code: 0 Launching Inf - inf: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\ie4shell.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 226043, Install 248700 OnStopComponent:
       ID: IE4Shell_Win
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - JAVAVM****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: JAVAVM
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 6300 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 118168 CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\JAVI386.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\JAVI386.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Launching exe: command: "C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\javatrig.exe" /l /saveroll /ie40 /q Timing rates: Download: 226043, Install 217395 OnStopComponent:
       ID: JAVAVM
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - IEJAVA****** Dependency check - JAVAVM OnStartComponent:
       ID: IEJAVA
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 90 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 108352 CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IEJAVA.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IEJAVA.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Launching Inf - inf: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\iejava.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 226043, Install 217395 OnStopComponent:
       ID: IEJAVA
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - MailNews****** Dependency check - BASEIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: MailNews
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 2304 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 108352 CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\MAILNEWS.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\MAILNEWS.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Launching Inf - inf: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\msimn.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 226043, Install 196335 OnStopComponent:
       ID: MailNews
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - DirectAnimation****** Dependency check - MINIE40_WIN OnStartComponent:
       ID: DirectAnimation
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 2200 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 108112 CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\AXA.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\AXA.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Launching Inf - inf: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\axaie4.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 226043, Install 318684 OnStopComponent:
       ID: DirectAnimation
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - activemovie****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: activemovie
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 1024 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 107984 CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\AMOV4IE.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\AMOV4IE.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Launching Inf - inf: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\amov4ie.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 226043, Install 281231 OnStopComponent:
       ID: activemovie
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - Mini_IAMusic****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: Mini_IAMusic
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 176 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 107920 CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\MSMUS_1.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\MSMUS_1.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Launching Inf - inf: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\msmusctl.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 226043, Install 281231 OnStopComponent:
       ID: Mini_IAMusic
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - Tridata****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: Tridata
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 684 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 113040 CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4DATA.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\IE4DATA.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Launching Inf - inf: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\ie4data.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 226043, Install 258996 OnStopComponent:
       ID: Tridata
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
    ****** Install for component - ActivePayment****** Dependency check - MINIE40_Win OnStartComponent:
       ID: ActivePayment
       Download: 0 KB
       Install 800 KB
    Space remaining on windows drive: 113024 CheckTrust: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\MSWALLET.CAB, Result: 1 (OK) File extraction: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\MSWALLET.CAB, Result: 0 (OK) Launching Inf - inf: C:\msdownld.tmp\ASE001.tmp\cabpayie.inf, section: Default Timing rates: Download: 226043, Install 261096 OnStopComponent:
       ID: ActivePayment
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Phase: 8
       Status: 1
       HRESULT: 0 (OK)
       Status: 1
    InstallJob return hr:0: Status:1 Install Engine - object destroyed Text. Msg:In the future if you need to reinstall Internet Explorer 4.0 run "IE4SETUP.EXE" from the "D:\Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup" folder.:

    Run setup command. File:D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\IE4Setup.inf: Section:IE4Setup.Success: RunSetupCommand returned :0: Date:11/4/1997 (M/D/Y) Time:19:23:13 End of Logging.

    • Releasing Setup engine and removing temporary files and folders.

  • Additional query words: 4.00 activesetuplog.txt
    Keywords : kbsetup msient msiew95
    Version : WINDOWS:4.0
    Platform : WINDOWS
    Issue type : kbref


    Last reviewed: January 5, 1998
    © 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.