3.20 3.20a
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Mail for Windows, versions 3.2 and 3.2a
In version 3.2 of Microsoft Mail for Windows, the received date field may
display the month as "MM." For example, the date may display as
instead of:
Check the following settings:
- Run Windows Control Panel and choose the Date/Time icon. Make sure the
date and time are correct.
- Run Windows Control Panel and choose International. Make sure the
settings are correct for your situation. For example:
Country: United States
Language: English (American)
Keyboard Layout: US
Measurement: English
List Separator: ,
Check the International Date and Time formats, as well as the Long Date
Format, making sure the order is correct (in this example, MDY).
- In the WIN.INI file, check the international ([intl]) section. It
should have the following two entries.
sLongDate=dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
The settings should match the ones above. If they have extra characters or
if they contain the wrong separator character, the problem described above
may occur. If you are unsure about the format of the lines in the [intl]
section, try comparing yours to the [intl] section of another installation
that is not experiencing the problem.