PC MAPI: Suppressing the Default Logon Dialog BoxLast reviewed: July 2, 1997Article ID: Q135704 |
3.00 3.20
The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYWhen you use the MSMAPI.VBX control to logon Mail for PC Networks, you can suppress the default logon dialog box by setting the following:
2003 (Login Failure) MORE INFORMATIONMake sure that the entries for the user's name and password are present in the MSMAIL.INI. NOTE: The Password entry does not need any characters after it.
[Microsoft Mail] Login=username Password=The code below duplicates the situation when the error occurs with the Admin mailbox and a blank password.
myform.MapiSess.UserName = "admin" myform.MapiSess.Password = "" myform.MapiSess.NewSession = True myform.MapiSess.LogonUI = False myform.MapiSess.Action = SESSION_SIGNONUnfortunately, a null password can be used only if there is an existing session or the LogonUI property is set to True. If there is an existing session, you can pass nulls for both the name and password, and you will be returned a handle to the existing session. If there is no existing session, and you set LogonUI property to true, MAPILogon will generate the standard Sign-In dialog box. Additional reference words 3.00 3.20 Visual Basic blank MAPI_LOGON_UI |
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