By enclosing the address in square brackets, [address], mail will
not search the address list for a match. If the brackets are not used,
the following error message is returned by mail when the names are
Some names could not be matched to names in the address
list. Try correcting the names or choose Address to select
names from the address list. Successfully matched names are
These addresses must be enclosed in brackets and have a leading
address type specified. Microsoft Mail is the default type used.
MS Mail [MS:Network/Postoffice/UserID]
SMTP: [SMTP:User@Host.Domain]
Mail Connection [MSMAIL:user@postoffice]
X.400: [X.400:/C=us/ADMD=mci/PRMD=widgits/PN=JohnDoe]
or [X.400:/C=us/A=mci/P=widgits/S=JohnDoe]
Note: Follow the steps below to see a sample of the address you are
sending to. After creating the address into the mail message,
double-click the name to see the actual address. You can also click
the name in the Address window and click the Details button.
The names can also be manually entered by using the address
windows, as follows:
1. Select Compose Note.
2. From the message toolbar, select the Address button.
3. From the Address window, select the New Address icon. It is the
blank card on the left of the address list.
4. This brings up the New address window. Select the appropriate
address type from the list and click the OK button.
5. This brings up the New User dialog box. Fill in each box according
to the requested information. The Alias is how it will look on the
To line of the Mail message.
6. Click the To button to add this name to the To: box of the
Address window.
7. Click the OK button when done adding in addresses and the names
are added to the To: line of the message.