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The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Mail Gateway to 3Com 3+Open, version 1.0
Version 1.0 of the Microsoft Mail Gateway to 3Com 3+Open may not install
completely, even though no error messages are displayed during
installation. It may look as if it installed fine, but the gateway does
not work.
Several subprocesses in the installation process may cause this problem.
See RESOLUTION below for things to check.
Here are some ways to check for a successful installation process, even
when the gateway does not work due to other problems on the network.
- The installation process on the gateway postoffice should create a new
subdirectory in the Mail database named SMTP, which should contain the
following files:
- There should be a SMTP.NME file added to the .NME directory, and
there should be a SMTP.GLB file added to the .GLB directory.
- Run the ADMIN.EXE utility and select the Gateway option. The access
components for SMTP should be seen and usable because the 3Com Gateway
uses the SMTP accessing components on the postoffice.
- Verify that the gateway executable files, COURGET.EXE and COURPUT.EXE,
are in the directory listed in the GATEWAY.INI file under the
FFAPIPath parameter.
- Verify that the files GATEWAY.EXE and GATEWAY.INI are in the same
- Verify that the current directory of the drive listed in the
GATEWAY.INI parameter MSMAILDRIVE is the database directory.
For example:
If you list M:\MAILDATA in the .INI, and you are in the M:\MAILEXE
directory when you run GATEWAY.EXE, the database files will not be
found because the gateway will only look in the current directory of
the drive, it will not resolve the full path to locate the database
files (.ATT, .MAI, .GLB, and so on).
For more information about troubleshooting the 3Com/MS Mail Gateway, query
on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
verifying and gateway.ini and parameters