Perfmon and Network Monitor Counters Show Incorrect ValuesLast reviewed: April 23, 1997Article ID: Q137968 |
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SYMPTOMSUnder heavy stress situations, Windows NT computers running Network Monitor or Performance Monitor on a Token Ring 16Mb network with a NetFlx Eth/TR II network interface card (NIC) return zero for the following performance counters:
Perfmon Network Segment Object: % Broadcast frames % Multicast Frames % Network utilization Broadcast frames received/second Multicast frames received/second Total bytes received/second Network General % Broadcast frames % Multicast Frames % Network utilization Broadcast frames received/second Multicast frames received/second Total bytes received/secondThis typically occurs when network utilization is continuously greater than 70-80 percent. NOTE: The Performance counters do appear after a short period of time to recover as the values start to again increment but they never fully recover in that the values appear extremely low.
CAUSEThe NetFlex II NIC stops responding (hangs) and the counters are reset to 0.
RESOLUTIONThis problem has been corrected in the latest Service Pack for Windows NT version 3.51. Windows NT now polls the NIC every 2 seconds to check for a hung condition. If hung, it is reset, but not into promiscuous mode. This problem does not happen when the NIC is running in normal mode.
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows NT version 3.51. This problem was corrected in the latest Windows NT 3.51 U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining the Service Pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):
S E R V P A C K |
Additional query words: prodnt prodsms NetFlex II Perfmon
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