The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft SNA Server for Windows NT, versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.11, 2.11 SP1,
and 3.0
The following SNA Server XID rejection events are logged in the application
event log you connect to an AS/400:
- Event ID: 56
Event description: Connection <connection_name> failed: XID
rejected by remote computer
- Event ID: 230
Event Description: Connection <connection_name> Not responding
to XID commands.
The connection goes into a Pending state and users get APPC primary return
code: 0003; secondary return code: 00000005, when attempting to open a
5250 session.
Causes of Event ID 56:
- There is already a controller defined on the AS/400 with the same name
as the one defined in SNA Server, but it has a different "LAN remote
adapter address (ADPTADR)" associated with it.
- There is already a different controller name defined on the AS/400
with the same "LAN remote adapter address (ADPTADR)" (Autocreate
Controller [AUTOCRTCTL] is set to YES in the AS/400 Line Description).
- The "LAN remote adapter address (ADPTADR)" defined on the AS/400
represents the network interface card address of the SNA Server machine.
To determine this, type the following at a Windows NT Command Prompt:
c:> net config server
- The Remote Control Point Name in the SNA Server Administrator Connection
Properties dialog box does not match the Local Control Point Name in the
AS/400 Network Attributes screen.
Causes of Event ID 230: