TPSTART Enhanced to Support 16-bit Windows ApplicationsLast reviewed: April 17, 1997Article ID: Q140609 |
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SYMPTOMSWhen you attempt to invoke a 16-bit Windows application with TPSTART.EXE, the invokable transaction program (TP) application program starter for SNA Server Windows NT clients, the following errors occur:
CAUSETPSTART.EXE does not support the startup of 16-bit Windows applications. The TPSTART.EXE program is setting the DETACHED_PROCESS flag when calling CreateProcess, which causes the startup of 16-bit Windows applications to fail with ACCESS_DENIED. This problem does not occur when starting 32-bit Windows applications, even though the 32-bit application is not a detached process. Also, if the TP is configured as queued (with SNAServiceType=5), SNA Server does not detect that the application has ended since the default Windows NT virtual DOS machine (VDM) is still running. This causes a second invocation of the TP to fail.
RESOLUTIONMicrosoft has updated the file <snaroot>\SYSTEM\TPSTART.EXE to correct this problem. To support autostarting of 16-bit Windows applications, the following new TP-specific registry settings are now supported under the subtree HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE under the subkey:
/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/SnaBase/Parameters/TPs/<tpname>/ Parameters/Add following information:
Value Name: Win16App Data Type: REG_SZ Data: YESThe following entry under the same subkey is also required to autostart 16- bit Windows applications:
Value Name: SeparateWowVDM Data Type: REG_SZ Data: YESThis causes TPSTART.EXE to start the 16-bit application in its own Windows NT VDM. This entry is required if TP is queued (where SNAServiceType=5). If the TP is configured as queued, and SeparateWowVDM is not set to YES, then the TP is only invoked once. Subsequent attempts to start the TP fail, because according to SNA Server the TP is still running, because SNA Server finds that the Windows NT VDM (NTVDM) process ID is still running. Starting a separate NTVDM corrects this problem because the NTVDM process ends when the 16-bit Windows application ends.
STATUSThis feature is included in the latest U.S. Service Pack for SNA Server for Windows NT, version 2.11. For information on obtaining the Service Pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):
S E R V P A C K |
Additional query words: prodsna appc cpic
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