BUG: Select Using 'or' From View Defined w/ '>=' Can Cause AVLast reviewed: May 2, 1997Article ID: Q151583 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSA select using 'or' in the where clause on a view that is defined using a '>=' (greater than or equal to) comparison operator in the where clause canresult in an a Thread Level Handled AV (Access Violation). The AV occurs during the process of determining the cost of a particular access plan that might be used to fulfill the requested select statement.
WORKAROUNDChanging the information available prior to SQL Server's evaluation of the query cost can be used to workaround this problem. Removing 'or' from the where clause as defined in the view, changing the type of comparison operator used in the view where clause, changing the index on the base table to 'clustered not unique', changing the columns being referenced by select on the view, and/or removing the 'or' found in the select where clause can all affect the occurrence of this problem.
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft SQL Server version 6.0. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available. This problem does not happen in Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5.
MORE INFORMATIONThe following is a replication scenario provided to illustrate the problem: create table test (col1 char(1) NOT NULL, col2 char(1) NOT NULL, col3 char(1) NOT NULL) goinsert test values ('1','Y','A') insert test values ('2','Y','A') go create unique clustered index idx1 on test (col1) go create view vtest as select * from test where col1 >='' or col2 = 'Y' go select col1 from vtest where col1 = '1' or col1 = '2' go
Additional query words: DEFAULT VALUES INSERT
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