FIX: sp_processmail Gets Ambiguous Recipient ErrorLast reviewed: July 21, 1997Article ID: Q152415 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSThe system stored procedure sp_processmail can fail to reply to a message sent to the server if the sender uses an ambiguous e-mail address.
WORKAROUNDMake sure that there are no ambiguous e-mail addresses.
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft SQL Server version 6.0. This problem has been corrected in SQL Server 6.0 Service Pack 3. For more information, contact your primary support provider.
MORE INFORMATIONHere is an example of this problem: Suppose there are the following two email addresses, "SQL" and "SQLSERVER." If e-mail user "SQL" sends a message to a SQL Server that has sp_processmail running, SQL Server will receive the message, but SQL Server fails in sending a reply because the intended recipient's address is ambiguous. The address is ambiguous because e-mail address resolution says that both "SQL" and "SQLSERVER" are possibilities for the address "SQL." Here is the updated documentation of xp_readmail from the SQL Server 6.5 documentation:
Syntax xp_readmail ([@msg_id = msg_id] [, @type = type [OUTPUT]] [, @peek = {'true' | 'false'}] [, @suppress_attach = {'true' | 'false'}] [, @originator = @sender OUTPUT] [, @subject = @subject_line OUTPUT] [, @message = @body_of_message OUTPUT] [, @recipients = @recipient_list OUTPUT] [, @cc_list = @cc_list OUTPUT] [, @bcc_list = @bcc_list OUTPUT] [, @date_received = @date OUTPUT] [, @unread = {'true' | 'false'} OUTPUT] [, @attachments = @temp_file_paths OUTPUT]) [, @skip_bytes = @bytes_to_skip OUTPUT] [, @msg_length = @length_in_bytes OUTPUT] [, @originator_address = @originator_address OUTPUT]) where @originator_address Specifies the resolved mail address of the originator of the mail message. The @originator_address variable must be varchar(255).If the sp_processmail stored procedure is modified to perform the xp_sendmail back to the value of the @originator_address instead of the @originator, sp_processmail will not fail because of an ambiguous recipient. For additional syntax information for xp_readmail see the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference.
Additional query words: xp_readmail xp_sendmail
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