INF: Sample of SQL-DMO Connection Point InterfaceLast reviewed: April 9, 1997Article ID: Q156100 |
The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYThe sample code in this article shows you how to:
Before proceeding, make sure you take note of the following:
// // The following code is an example of how to implement the SQL-DMO // Server connection point to trap all error messages returned from the // SQL Server. // // // Includes: // #include "afx.h" #include "afxole.h" // OLE #include "stdio.h" // Standard I/O header #include "initguid.h" // Only included once to define the GUIDand UUID's properly
#include "sqloleid.h" // SQL-DMO headers #include "sqlole.h" #include "ServerConnectionPoint.h" // Server connection pointimplementation
// // Defines: // #define _SERVER "" #define _USER "sa" #define _PWD "" #define _BAD_COOKIE 99999 // // Function declarations: //BOOL bInitialize(void); void vUninitialize(void);HRESULT hrDisplayError(HRESULT hRes); BOOL bInstallConnectionPointHandler(void); void vDoSomeStuff(void); // // Local variables: // BOOL bCoInit = FALSE; LPSQLOLESERVER iSQLServer = NULL; LPCONNECTIONPOINT iCP = NULL;CSQLServerSink * pServerSink = NULL; DWORD dwCookie = _BAD_COOKIE; // // MAIN ROUTINE // ------------ void main(void){ if(bInitialize()) { if(bInstallConnectionPointHandler()) { vDoSomeStuff(); } } // // Perform cleanup operations: // vUninitialize(); printf("\n\nSample run completed...\n\n");}
// // Initialize - perform all init operations: //BOOL bInitialize(void) { BOOL bRC = FALSE; printf("\n...Initializing OLE..."); if(SUCCEEDED(CoInitialize(NULL))) { bCoInit = TRUE; // // Create a Server object: // printf("\n...Creating SQL Server Object..."); if(SUCCEEDED(hrDisplayError(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SQLOLEServer, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISQLOLEServer, (LPVOID *)&iSQLServer)))) { bRC = TRUE; } } else { printf("\nCoInitialize failed."); bRC = bCoInit = FALSE; } return bRC; } // // Uninitialize - perform all shutdown operations: // void vUninitialize(void){ printf("\n...Performing the Unadvice..."); if((dwCookie != _BAD_COOKIE) && (iCP)) iCP->Unadvise(dwCookie); printf("\n...Cleaning up object memory..."); // // Not part of above sequence in case Advise failed and dwCookie was // (0) // if(iCP) iCP->Release(); // // Clean up the server object: // if(iSQLServer) iSQLServer->Release(); // // Shut down OLE: // if(bCoInit) CoUninitialize();}
// // Install the connection point handler: //BOOL bInstallConnectionPointHandler(void) { BOOL bRC = FALSE; LPCONNECTIONPOINTCONTAINER iCPContainer = NULL; // // Create an instance of the Server Sink object: // pServerSink = new CSQLServerSink; if(pServerSink) { printf("\n...Creating Connection Point Container..."); if(SUCCEEDED(hrDisplayError(iSQLServer->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (LPVOID *) &iCPContainer)))) { printf("\n...Finding the SQL Server Sink connection point..."); if(SUCCEEDED(hrDisplayError(iCPContainer->FindConnectionPoint(IID_ISQLOLEServerSink, &iCP)))) { printf("\n...Advising connection point that we are available toreceive events..."); if(SUCCEEDED(hrDisplayError(iCP->Advise(pServerSink,&dwCookie)))) { bRC = TRUE; } else dwCookie = _BAD_COOKIE; } iCPContainer->Release(); } } else { printf("\nAttempt to create server sink object failed due to a memoryerror."); } // // Free memory if necessary: // if((pServerSink) && (FALSE == bRC)) { delete pServerSink; pServerSink = NULL; } return bRC;}
// // Do some things to cause the Sink events to fire: // void vDoSomeStuff(void){ printf("\n...Setting connection options..."); if(SUCCEEDED(hrDisplayError(iSQLServer->SetLoginTimeout(5)))) { if(SUCCEEDED(hrDisplayError(iSQLServer->SetApplicationName("ServerSink")))) { if(SUCCEEDED(hrDisplayError(iSQLServer->SetHostName("SQL-DMO")))) { if(SUCCEEDED(hrDisplayError(iSQLServer->SetNetPacketSize(4096)))) { printf("\n...Attempting to connect..."); if(SUCCEEDED(hrDisplayError(iSQLServer->Connect(_SERVER,_USER, _PWD)))) { // // Cause a meesage to be fired from SQL Server. // // This is one workaround for Q152621 (Bug #15500.) // You could also use ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages. // // You may want to use Sink to capute information // output from any DBCC command because the standard // implementation of Database.CheckAllocations uses // 'WITH NO_INFOMSGS' // hrDisplayError(iSQLServer->ExecuteImmediate("dbccmemusage"));
// // This will fire the Sink event. // hrDisplayError(iSQLServer->ExecuteImmediate("raiserror(1204, 1, 1)"));
// // This will NOT fire the Sink event due to Sev level. // hrDisplayError(iSQLServer->ExecuteImmediate("raiserror(1204, 11, 1)"));
// // Close connection. // hrDisplayError(iSQLServer->DisConnect()); } } } } }}
// // Display Error Information as a result of an OLE call //HRESULT hrDisplayError(HRESULT hRes) { LPERRORINFO lpErrorInfo = NULL; BSTR bstrDesc; BSTR bstrSource; if(FAILED(hRes)) { if(SUCCEEDED(GetErrorInfo(0, &lpErrorInfo))) { lpErrorInfo->GetDescription(&bstrDesc); lpErrorInfo->GetSource(&bstrSource); printf("\n\nhrDisplayError: %S\n%S\n", bstrSource, bstrDesc); lpErrorInfo->Release(); SysFreeString(bstrDesc); SysFreeString(bstrSource); } else printf("\n\nUnable to obtain detailed error information."); } return hRes;}
// // SQL-DMO Server Connection Point Interface Declaration and // Implementation // #include "windows.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "sqloleid.h" // SQL-DMO headers #include "sqlole.h"class CSQLServerSink : public ISQLOLEServerSink {
public: CSQLServerSink() { m_uiRefCount = 0; } ~CSQLServerSink() { } // // IUnknown Interface // STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj) { if((riid == IID_IUnknown) || (riid == IID_IASQLOLEServerSink)) { AddRef(); *ppvObj = this; return NOERROR; } else return E_NOINTERFACE; } STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) { return ++m_uiRefCount; } STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) { --m_uiRefCount; if(0 == m_uiRefCount) delete this; return m_uiRefCount; } // // Sink properties and methods: // STDMETHOD(QueryTimeout)(THIS_ SQLOLE_LPCSTR strMessage, LPBOOLpbContinue) { printf("\nSINK QueryTimeout - %s", strMessage); *pbContinue = FALSE; return NOERROR; } // // Only for designated error messages Sev 10 or less. // STDMETHOD(ServerMessage)(THIS_ long lMessageSeverity, longlMessageNumber, long lMessageState, SQLOLE_LPCSTR strMessage) { printf( "\nSINK ServerMessage" "\nError: %ld" "\nSev: %ld" "\nState: %ld" "\n%s\n", lMessageNumber, lMessageSeverity, lMessageState,strMessage);
return NOERROR; } STDMETHOD(ConnectionBroken)(THIS_ SQLOLE_LPCSTR strMessage, LPBOOLpbRetry) { printf("\nSINK ConnectionBroken - %s", strMessage); *pbRetry = TRUE; return NOERROR; } STDMETHOD(RemoteLoginFailed)(THIS_ long lMessageSeverity, longlMessageNumber, long lMessageState, SQLOLE_LPCSTR strMessage) { printf( "\nSINK RemoteLoginFailed" "\nError: %ld" "\nSev: %ld" "\nState: %ld" "\n%s\n", lMessageNumber, lMessageSeverity, lMessageState,strMessage);
return NOERROR; } // // Shows actual commands begin sent from SQL-DMO to SQL Server. // STDMETHOD(CommandSent)(THIS_ SQLOLE_LPCSTR strSQL) { printf("\nSINK CommandSent - %s", strSQL); return NOERROR; } private: UINT m_uiRefCount;}; See also "How to use Connectable Objects in SQL-DMO."
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