FIX: SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 2 Fixlist (Part 1 of 3)Last reviewed: July 23, 1997Article ID: Q160731 |
The information in this article applies to:
The following is a list (Part 1 of 3) of fixes and other various improvements that have been made in Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5 Service Pack 2, now available from your primary support provider. For more information, contact your primary support provider. Please note that workarounds described in these articles have been provided for your information only. It is not necessary to implement these workarounds if you have the updated software.
ODBC COMPONENTSQ154295: FIX: TDS Errors in a Multithreaded ODBC Application Q154966: FIX: Sp_cursoropen Error With More Than One Parameter Marker Q157588: FIX: SQLDescribeCol Returns Error on Prepared Outer Join Q157732: FIX: SQLBindParameter Fails Under Simplified Chinese Win95 Q158605: FIX: Driver Not Capable Error: SQL_COPT_SS_CONNECTION_DEAD Q158665: FIX: 16-Bit Driver Keyset Cursor Operations with Query Timeout Q158763: FIX: Server Out of Memory when Inserting into Text/Image Fields Q159470: FIX: SQLDescribeCol/SQLColAttributes Report Nullability Wrong
REPLICATION COMPONENTSQ148819: FIX: Fkey NOT FOR REPLICATION Doesn't Work Correctly Q153228: FIX: Replication Tasks Affect Query Timeout for Other SQLExec Q160146: FIX: Replication of Japanese DBCS Character Fails Q160180: FIX: Replicated UPDATE to Char Column May Cause Error 803 Q159265: FIX: SQL Executive Service Becomes Unstable While Replicating Q159646: FIX: Character Mode BCP Causes a Memory Leak in SQL Executive Below are excerpts from each of the articles listed above. For the full text of the articles, search for the article number in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
ODBC COMPONENTSFIX: TDS Errors in a Multithreaded ODBC Application ARTICLE-ID: Q154295 BUG #: 15705 (SQLBUG_65)
SYMPTOMSWhen two or more threads share the same database connection (but different hstmts), a call to SQLExecDirect or SQLExecute fails, and one of the following errors occurs:
WORKAROUNDTo work around this problem, do one of the following:
ARTICLE-ID:Q154966 BUG #: 15743 (2.65.0201)
SYMPTOMSWhen you use server side cursors, SQL Server Driver invokes the extended stored procedure Sp_cursoropen with incorrect parameters when the following conditions are met:
szSqlState = "37000", *pfNativeError = 16903, szErrorMsg="[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] sp_cursoropen procedure called with incorrect number of parameters".The following error message appears if any further activity occurs on the client side:
Communication link failure. WORKAROUNDSet the Network Packet Size greater than 512 bytes in Server Configuration/Options using Sp_configure.
FIX: SQLDescribeCol Returns Error on Prepared Outer Join ARTICLE-ID: Q157588 BUG #: 16200 (2.65.0201)
SYMPTOMSIf SQLDescribeCol is called after preparing an outer join statement, it returns the following error: szSqlState = "37000", *pfNativeError = 107, *pcbErrorMsg = 135 szErrorMsg="[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The column prefix 'c1' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query."
WORKAROUNDCall SQLDescribeCol after running the prepared statement.
FIX: SQLBindParameter Fails Under Simplified Chinese Win95 ARTICLE-ID: Q157732 BUG #: 16266 (6.50)
SYMPTOMSThe SQLBindParameter fails after binding a parameter with SQL_C_DEFAULT and SQL_TINYINT under Simplified Chinese Win95. The following error is generated:
szErrorMsg="[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Restricted data type attribute violation"The following statements demonstrate the problem scenario:
SQLExecDirect(hstmt, "Create table mytable(id int)", SQL_NTS); SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_DEFAULT, SQL_TINYINT, 1, 0, &sId, 0, &cbId ); SQLExecDirect(hstmt, "select * from mytable where id=?", SQL_NTS);FIX: Driver Not Capable Error: SQL_COPT_SS_CONNECTION_DEAD ARTICLE-ID: Q158605 BUG #: 16166 (2.65.0201)
SYMPTOMSUsers who attempt to call SQLGetConnectOption for the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver specific connection option SQL_COPT_SS_CONNECTION_DEAD receive the following error:
szSqlState = "S1C00", *pfNativeError = 0 szErrorMsg="[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Driver not capable"FIX: 16-Bit Driver Keyset Cursor Operations with Query Timeout ARTICLE-ID: Q158665 BUG #: 15946 (WINDOWS SQLBUG 2.65.0212)
SYMPTOMSWhen you use the client-side SPX Net-Library for Windows (Dbmsspx3.dll), the Microsoft SQL Server 16-bit ODBC Driver version 2.65 may perform significantly slower in operations involving both keyset-driven cursors and the setting of a query timeout. Microsoft has observed a difference up to a factor of six when Dbmsspx3.dll is used, versus the other available net- libraries. Note that for this problem to occur, both a query timeout must be set and keyset-driven cursors must be in use with Dbmsspx3.dll.
FIX: Server Out of Memory when Inserting into Text/Image Fields ARTICLE-ID: Q158763 BUG #: 16076 (NT: 6.5)
SYMPTOMSUsing the 32-bit SQL Server Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver to insert chunks of data into text/image columns with the SQLPutData API may cause error 701, "There is insufficient memory to execute the query," from SQL Server 6.5.
WORKAROUNDThe amount of data inserted into the image/text field can be increased by increasing the amount of memory allocated to SQL Server and the amount of memory allocated to the procedure cache.
FIX: SQLDescribeCol/SQLColAttributes Report Nullability Wrong ARTICLE-ID:Q159470 BUG#: 15749 (2.65.0201)
SYMPTOMSWhen an identity column is added to an existing table using the ALTER TABLE statement, SQLColAttributes and SQLDescribeCol report that the identity column allows NULLS.
WORKAROUNDUse the Column nullability information derived from SQLColumns.
REPLICATION COMPONENTSFIX: Fkey NOT FOR REPLICATION Doesn't Work Correctly ARTICLE-ID: Q148819 BUG #: 13700 (Windows NT: 6.5)
SYMPTOMSIf you set up a FOREIGN KEY constraint to reference a table that is populated by replication (that is, a subscribed table), a constraint violation may occur if an UPDATE is run against the published table. This will cause the distribution task to fail with the following error:
Msg 547, %s statement conflicted with %s constraint '%.*s'. The conflict occurred in database '%.*s', table '%.*s'%s%.*s%sThe NOT FOR REPLICATION option should allow changes submitted by the Distribution task on columns referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint from another table that otherwise would violate the constraint.
WORKAROUNDChange your UPDATE statement to run as an "on-page delete/insert." For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
ARTICLE-ID: Q135871 TITLE : INF: Update Methods Used in SQL Server 6.0If you cannot change your UPDATE statement to meet this criteria, you may not be able to create a FOREIGN KEY constraint in the subscribed database to reference a subscribed table.
FIX: Replication Tasks Affect Query Timeout for Other SQLExec ARTICLE-ID: Q153228 BUG #: 15540 (6.0) 15573 (6.5) (sqlserver)
SYMPTOMSAny SQLExec task that uses DB-Library can have its query timeout affected by a replication task. Replication tasks use a DB-Library function to globally set the query timeout for the SQLExecutive process, thereby affecting all "DB-Library based" tasks including TSQL, LogReader, SYNC, and Distribution tasks. Because of this problem, replication tasks may encounter the following message in the Task History:
SQL Server connection timed out. Unable to successfully execute <command> on <server>SQLExecutive will automatically retry the replication task, but the task may never run if the query timeout is not long enough. TSQL tasks may encounter the following error as a Failure:
SQL Server connection timed out. (Error 10024) WORKAROUNDOverride the default query timeout for any SYNC or Distribution task with the -q0 parameter value (This is only needed for SQL Server 6.5 because the default query timeout for these tasks is 30 seconds, but is 0 for SQL Server 6.0). This can force all tasks to use an infinite query timeout (which is the default for TSQL and LogReader tasks). For TSQL tasks, you could instead use a CmdExec task using Isql.exe with the -t parameter to force a query timeout.
FIX: Replication of Japanese DBCS Character Fails ARTICLE-ID: Q160146 BUG #: 15807
SYMPTOMSWhen you use SQL Server replication with the code page 932 installed, some replication commands may not be successfully run, resulting in some Japanese characters being mistakenly replicated in the subscribing table. FIX: Replicated UPDATE to Char Column May Cause Error 803 ARTICLE-ID: Q160180 BUG #: 15829 (Windows NT: 6.5)
SYMPTOMSLogReader fails with error 803. The errorlog and the task history shows the following message:
Error : 803, Severity: 20, State: 1 Unable to place buffer %*.d holding logical page %*.d in sdes for object 'syslogs' - either there is no room in sdes or buffer already in requested slot. WORKAROUNDTo work around this problem, drop the index on the character column that is being updated. If this is not possible, use Scheduled Table Refresh for tables that are required to be published using partitioning at least seven times.
FIX: SQL Executive Service Becomes Unstable While Replicating ARTICLE-ID: Q159265 BUG #: 16108
SYMPTOMSWhen you are replicating a table with a text column, and character mode Bulk Copy is used as the mode of synchronization, the SQL Executive service may become unstable. The distribution task is left in a sleeping state, and the SQL Executive service cannot be controlled. The server must be restarted to reactivate the task. When this problem occurs, the SQL Executive service on the distributor becomes unstable. Also, Enterprise Manager stops responding if you try to click on the running tasks, because the server will not be able to run extended stored procedures related to the SQL Executive service. Not all tables with a text column will experience this problem. However, tables with a text column are more likely candidates for failure, because the character mode of synchronization is used for such tables by default.
WORKAROUNDWhile doing the synchronization, use the native mode of Bulk Copy. The native mode can only be used for SQL Server subscribers when the table being published has at least one text column.
FIX: Character Mode BCP Causes a Memory Leak in SQL Executive ARTICLE-ID: Q159646 BUG #: 15942 (6.5)
SYMPTOMSCharacter mode bulk copy program (BCP) replication synchronization causes a memory leak in SQL Executive. The amount of memory leaked builds up each time a BCP character mode job is run by the distribution task. Once the system becomes sufficiently low on memory, the distribution task may fail or stop responding. If the task fails, it will return the error "Failed to allocate memory" to the task history. If the distribution task stops responding, it will be listed in the Sysprocesses table as a sleeping process with the command "select * from <table_name>." Other possible symptoms include SQL Executive unhandled exception errors and other SQL Executive memory allocation failures.
WORKAROUNDTo work around this problem, use the native mode BCP for either automatic synchronization or manual synchronization.
Additional query words: SP2 database patch
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