BUG: Fallback to Primary Server May Not Move All Databases BackLast reviewed: November 17, 1997Article ID: Q176835 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSRunning the sp_fallback_deactivate_svr_db stored procedure, which attempts to move the databases back to the primary server, may fail to move all databases back if the dbid from the primary server and fallback server do not match.
WORKAROUNDTo work around this problem, re-create the sp_fallback_deactivate_svr_db stored procedure with the code provided in the MORE INFORMATION section of this article.
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version 6.5. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
MORE INFORMATIONThe script to re-create the sp_fallback_deactivate_svr_db stored procedure is provided below. Note that you must be in the master database when running this script.
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.sp_fallback_deactivate_svr_db') and sysstat & 0xf = 4) drop procedure dbo.sp_fallback_deactivate_svr_db GO create procedure sp_fallback_deactivate_svr_db --1996/02/29 11:06 @pPrimarySvrName character varying(30) = null ,@pDbNamePattern character varying(44) = '%' as /********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** This sproc should be executed on the fallback server (no RPC). This sproc will delete rows from system tables, and make a will update the spt_fallback_% tables. As far as possible, this sproc is designed to overcome small activation discrepancies and achieve the intended result. *********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7*/ Declare @RetCode integer IF (@@trancount > 0) begin RaisError(15002,-1,-1,'sp_fallback_deactivate_svr_db') Select @RetCode = @@error GOTO LABEL_86_RETURN end Set implicit_transactions off IF (@@trancount > 0) begin COMMIT TRANSACTION -- Decrements @@trancount by 1. end Set nocount on Set ansi_nulls on Set cursor_close_on_commit off Set xact_abort off Declare @ExecRC integer ,@_error integer ,@ProcStartDtTm datetime ,@Int1 integer ,@BitDbOffline integer Declare @xfallback_dbid smallint ,@db_name character varying(30) ,@db_dbid smallint ----------------------------------- Select @RetCode = 0 ,@ProcStartDtTm = getdate() ,@BitDbOffline = 512 ---------------------- only SA -------------------------------- IF (suser_id() <> 1) -- must be SA begin RaisError(15003,-1,-1) Select @RetCode = @@error GOTO LABEL_86_RETURN end ---------------------- Need to lookup one primary svr? -------------- IF (@pPrimarySvrName is null) begin SELECT @Int1 = count(distinct db.xserver_name) from master..spt_fallback_db db where db.xfallback_dbid is not null IF (@Int1 <> 1) begin RaisError(15344,-1,-1,@Int1) Select @RetCode = @@error GOTO LABEL_86_RETURN end SELECT @pPrimarySvrName = min(db.xserver_name) from master..spt_fallback_db db where db.xfallback_dbid is not null end ------------------ Handle db parm ------------------------ IF (@pDbNamePattern is null) Select @pDbNamePattern = '%' ------ Fallback already currently deactivated for the primary server? IF not exists (SELECT * from master..spt_fallback_db db where db.xfallback_dbid is not null and db.xserver_name = @pPrimarySvrName and db.name like @pDbNamePattern ) begin RaisError(15353,-1,-1,@@servername,@pPrimarySvrName) Select @RetCode = @@error GOTO LABEL_86_RETURN end ----------- Calculate a list of possible sysdev's to delete ---------- ---- Capture devs containing to-be-deact dbs. Create table #1dev_deact (low integer not null ,xfallback_low integer not null ,name varchar(30) not null ) INSERT into #1dev_deact (low ,xfallback_low ,name) SELECT distinct dev.low ,dev.xfallback_low ,dev.name from master..spt_fallback_dev dev ,master..spt_fallback_usg usg ,master..spt_fallback_db db where db.dbid = usg.dbid and usg.vstart between dev.low and dev.high and db.xserver_name = usg.xserver_name and db.xserver_name = dev.xserver_name and db.xserver_name = @pPrimarySvrName and db.name like @pDbNamePattern and db.xfallback_dbid is not null and usg.xfallback_vstart is not null and dev.xfallback_low is not null ---- Capture devs containing dbs other than dbs to-be-deact. Create table #2sysdev_othersuse (low integer not null ,name varchar(30) not null ) INSERT into #2sysdev_othersuse (low ,name) SELECT distinct sysdev.low ,sysdev.name from master..sysdevices sysdev ,master..sysusages sysusg ,master..sysdatabases sysdb where sysdb.dbid = sysusg.dbid and sysusg.vstart between sysdev.low and sysdev.high and not exists (SELECT * from master..spt_fallback_db db where db.xserver_name = @pPrimarySvrName and db.name like @pDbNamePattern and db.xfallback_dbid is not null and db.xfallback_dbid = sysdb.dbid ) ---- Remove some devs from the list of devs to-be-deact. DELETE #1dev_deact where xfallback_low in (SELECT low from #2sysdev_othersuse ) --------------------------- Establish cursors ----------------------- -------- csr sysdb DECLARE csr_11_db insensitive cursor for SELECT db.xfallback_dbid ,db.dbid ,db.name from master..spt_fallback_db db where db.xserver_name = @pPrimarySvrName and db.name like @pDbNamePattern and db.xfallback_dbid is not null FOR read only --------------------- Take each relevant db offline ------------------ OPEN csr_11_db WHILE ('11a'='11a') begin FETCH next from csr_11_db into @xfallback_dbid ,@db_dbid ,@db_name IF (@@fetch_status <> 0) begin Close csr_11_db -- Will use this again. BREAK end ---------- IF not exists ( SELECT * from master..sysdatabases sysdb where sysdb.dbid = @xfallback_dbid and sysdb.status & @BitDbOffline = 0 --currently is online ) begin CONTINUE end Execute @ExecRC = sp_dboption @db_name ,'offline' ,'true' --Also defers unshared sysdev. IF (@ExecRC <> 0) begin RaisError(15355,-1,-1,@db_name) Select @RetCode = @@error GOTO LABEL_86_RETURN end end -- loop 11a db ---------------------------------------------- txn BEGIN TRANSACTION -- @@trancount++; --------------------- Delete sys% tables rows --------------- OPEN csr_11_db WHILE ('11b'='11b') begin FETCH next from csr_11_db into @xfallback_dbid ,@db_dbid ,@db_name IF (@@fetch_status <> 0) begin Close csr_11_db BREAK end -------- Handle usg. DELETE master..sysusages where dbid = @xfallback_dbid UPDATE master..spt_fallback_usg set xdttm_last_ins_upd = @ProcStartDtTm ,xfallback_vstart = null where xserver_name = @pPrimarySvrName and dbid = @db_dbid -------- Handle db. DELETE master..sysdatabases where dbid = @xfallback_dbid UPDATE master..spt_fallback_db set xdttm_last_ins_upd = @ProcStartDtTm ,xfallback_dbid = null where xfallback_dbid = @xfallback_dbid end -- loop 11b db -------------------- Del all corresponding dev --------------------- ---- Del sysdevs whose children were all just deactivated. DELETE master..sysdevices where name in (SELECT name from #1dev_deact) and low in (SELECT xfallback_low from #1dev_deact) and not exists (SELECT * from master..sysusages sysusg where sysusg.vstart between master..sysdevices.low and master..sysdevices.high ) UPDATE master..spt_fallback_dev set xdttm_last_ins_upd = @ProcStartDtTm ,xfallback_low = null where xserver_name = @pPrimarySvrName and xfallback_low is not null and low in (SELECT low from #1dev_deact) ------------------------ Finalization ------------------------- ---------- Re-Verify integrity, before commit Execute @ExecRC = sp_fallback_MS_verify_ri IF (@ExecRC <> 0) begin RaisError(15352,-1,-1,'deactivate s d 2') -- Do NOT internationalize these. Select @RetCode = @ExecRC Execute sp_fallback_help Rollback Transaction GOTO LABEL_86_RETURN end COMMIT TRANSACTION Raiserror(15356,-1,-1,@pPrimarySvrName) LABEL_86_RETURN: Deallocate csr_11_db IF (object_id('tempdb..#1dev_deact') is not null) drop table #1dev_deact IF (object_id('tempdb..#2sysdev_othersuse') is not null) drop table #2sysdev_othersuse Return @RetCode GO GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_fallback_deactivate_svr_db TO public GO |
Additional query words: failover failback stproc st_proc st proc
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