- Create a database device and log using the DISK INIT command.
disk init
name = "<device name>"
physname = "<full path name of .dat file>"
vdevno = <unused device number>
size = <size of device>
NOTE: Issue an sp_helpdevice to find out what devices are
available. For example:
disk init
name = "developmentdevice"
physname = "d:\development\development.dat"
vdevno = 8
size = 5120
- Dump the desired database to the disk dump. Following the example,
this would be the development database:
dump database <database name> to <dumpdevice>
For example:
dump database development to diskdumpdevelopment
NOTE: Create a dump device by issuing the following command:
sp_addumpdevice "<disk|diskette>", "<logical name>",
"<physical name>", <cntrltype>
For example:
sp_addumpdevice "disk", "diskdumpdevelopment",
- Rename the desired database, again following this example. The
desired database is the development database:
sp_renamedb <currentname>, <newname>
For example:
sp_renamedb development, production
- Execute the following to re-create the original database on the new
a. create database <database name> on
<database device name> = <size of database>,
<log device name> = <size of log>
For example:
create database development on developmentdevice = 5,
developmentlog = 2
b. sp_logdevice <database name>, <logname>
For example:
sp_logdevice development, developmentlog
c. load database <database name> from <dumpdevice>
For example:
load database development from diskdumpdevelopment
Be sure to run the DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC CHECKALLOC diagnostics on the
newly created database to ensure that it was created correctly.