BUG: TCP/IP Clients and Net Start SqlbridgeLast reviewed: May 5, 1997Article ID: Q88751 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSUsing SQL Bridge to connect TCP/IP clients to an OS/2 SQL Server may cause the following message to appear on the SQL Bridge machine:
The SOCKETS$ device does not recognize the command Return the error to the program End the Program Retry the operation Ignore the error and continueChoosing the "Return the error to the program" option causes the logon attempt to fail. This happens only on certain logon attempts. A successive attempt to log on may succeed without any problems. This problem occurs only if SQL Bridge, connecting TCP/IP clients to OS/2 SQL Server, is started as a network service using the following command:
net start sqlbridge WORKAROUNDDo not start SQL Bridge as a network service with the Net Start command. Instead, start SQL Bridge from the command line using BRIDGE.EXE as follows:
Bridge -S<server side> -C<client side> STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Bridge version 4.2a. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
Additional query words: SQL Bridge
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