The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft SourceSafe for Windows, versions 3.04, 3.1
- Microsoft SourceSafe for Windows NT, versions 3.04, 3.1
- Microsoft SourceSafe for MS-DOS, versions 3.04, 3.1
The SourceSafe Data directory includes a database that contains all
of your files and projects. Although every precaution has been taken to
ensure the integrity of all SourceSafe files, there are certain events
that can cause the data in this database to become corrupted.
Errors relating to the Data directory, to filenames such as
aacpaaaa, or to missing files such as abaaaaaa.b occur.
SourceSafe database corruption can be caused by a variety of factors.
Listed below are a few events that can cause database corruption:
- Power loss
- System hangs (stops responding)
- User terminates a long process
- Bad network connections
- Running out of disk space
- Network problems
- Operating system problems
Use the following steps to analyze and resolve the database problems
SourceSafe is having:
- The Analyze program allows you to search for database corruption
or database errors. Use the following command to execute the Analyze
Analyze <SourceSafe Data directory>
To run the Analyze program in unattended mode, use the -i- option. For
example, if you want to run Analyze overnight and output the results to
a text file, use the following syntax:
Analyze -i- <path to data> > c:\output.txt
Analyze.exe goes through your database, reporting possible problems. If
database errors or corrupted database files are discovered, continue
through the following steps.
The primary use of this program is to scan a SourceSafe database for
integrity and/or errors. We recommend that administrators run it
every one to three months to verify that there are no problems in
their SourceSafe database.
- If there are access rights problems, "unable to checkout files" errors,
"losing checkout status" errors, or any other errors that refer to the
Status.dat or Rights.dat file, run the Ddconv.exe or Ddconvw.exe
program. These programs update a SourceSafe database from an older
format to the current format. By default, these programs are installed
in the \admin subdirectory.
These programs are used primarily by installation scripts to verify
that the format of an installed SourceSafe database is correct after an
update has occurred. Ddconv.exe is also used to create a new SourceSafe
database (see the Mkss utility for more information). During
installation, if SourceSafe cannot find all of the installed databases,
the administrator may have to run this utility manually. Ddconv.exe
(with the -s option) can also be used by the administrator to rebuild
files in the database.
For additional information, please see the following article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
- If the errors returned by the Analyze program refer to "FREE CHAIN"
and you are using Microsoft SourceSafe versions 3.x, run the Fixfree
program. Fixfree.exe fixes a variety of database errors reported when
running Analyze.exe, such as the following:
- Invalid extended header structure.
- Error in extended header.
- Error processing checkout free chain.
- Checkout free chain contains a loop.
- Checkout chain contains a loop.
For additional information, please see the following article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : FIXFREE.EXE Fixes Database Errors Reported by ANALYZE.EXE
- If the errors returned by the Analyze program refer to "PROJECT FILE"
and you are using Microsoft SourceSafe versions 3.x, run the Fixprj
program. You can use Fixprj.exe to fix a variety of project errors,
such as the following:
- File Not Found: <filename.a or b>.
- Error reading PRJ INT entry: <num> of 38 bytes read.
- Error in project file.
For additional information, please see the following article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : SourceSafe: Use FIXPRJ.EXE to Fix Project Errors
- If the errors returned by the Analyze program refer to "PARENT CHAIN",
and you are using Microsoft SourceSafe versions 3.x, run the Fixpar
program. Fixpar.exe repairs various database errors reported by
Analyze.exe such as the following:
- Error in Parent Chain.
- Parent not found.
Fixpar.exe removes references to projects that no longer exist.
For additional information, please see the following article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : FIXPAR Fixes Database Errors Reported by ANALYZE.EXE
- If the error returned by Analyze.exe refers to "Cannot find file
<filename>.b" or "Cannot find file <filename>.a," the best
workaround is to save a copy of the correct current file. Recover both
files (<filename> and <filename>.a or <filename>.b) as they existed on
the backup. Then update the file in SourceSafe to the current version.
If the <filename>.a or <filename>.b refers to a project, use Fixprj.exe
to rebuild the project file.
- If the errors returned by Analyze.exe refer to any other type of
problem, call Microsoft Technical Support for further assistance. You
can reach Microsoft Technical Support at the following phone numbers:
- In the United States, call (425) 635-7014.
- In Canada, call (905) 568-3503.
Refer to the Administrator's help file in SourceSafe for command
Keywords : SourceSafe ss3 vbwin kbtool kbtshoot
Version : 3.04 3.1
Issue type : kbhowto