FAQ: Visual SourceSafe Installation and Setup IssuesLast reviewed: October 10, 1997Article ID: Q135332 |
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SUMMARYThis article covers some of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Visual SourceSafe 4.0 setup. 1. Q. What is Visual SourceSafe? A. Visual SourceSafe is a project-oriented version control system. It enables team development through integrated version control and project-oriented features that make it easier to manage large projects and reuse code. Visual SourceSafe can store text or binary files, but features integration with Visual Basic 4.0 and Visual C++ 4.0. 2. Q. Which installation do I want to run (Client, Server, or Custom in Setup.exe or Network Setup in Netsetup.exe)? A. When running Visual SourceSafe Setup.exe for the first time, you will be given three options: - Server - Custom - Client The Server installation, under normal circumstances, is performed by a system administrator on a network server once. Then everyone, including the administrator, would install either the client version or its equivalent on their local computer. The Server installation does not provide the registry hooks needed to support integration with Visual Basic or Visual C++. Once the Server installation is complete, the Visual SourceSafe database has been automatically created, so your administrator can add users through the Visual SourceSafe Administrator application. Now, you can install Visual SourceSafe locally on each user's computer. To do this, start Visual SourceSafe's NETSETUP.EXE program found in the directory where the Server install was performed. In other words, if your system administrator installed to the following UNC path: \\<server>\<sourcesafe server> Then you would run: \\<server>\<sourcesafe server>\netsetup.exe NETSETUP.EXE is identical to the Client installation found on the Visual SourceSafe installation disks or CD-ROM disc except that it already knows where the Visual SourceSafe database is located. You could, on each user's machine, run the SETUP.EXE found on the installation disk or CD-ROM, select Client Install, and get the same result. However, you will be prompted for the location of the Visual SourceSafe database. The Custom installation in Setup.exe allows you to choose which options you wish to install. It has a check box for adding the Visual Basic or Visual C++ registry hooks (Visual Basic and Visual C++ Registration). If that check box is selected, the hooks will be installed. By default, both the SETUP.EXE and NETSETUP.EXE install these hooks. 3. Q. After installing Visual SourceSafe, I received an "Incompatible Database" Error. Why am I getting this error, and how do I fix it? A. There are several things that can cause this error to occur. They are discussed in the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: ARTICLE-ID: Q123468 TITLE : PRB: How to Handle the "incompatible database" Error 4. Q. Why can't I install Visual SourceSafe on Windows NT version 3.5? A. For Visual SourceSafe to be Windows 95 compliant, it must use the Windows 95 Setup program (ACME) for its 32-bit installations. The ACME setup program can not install on Windows NT version 3.5. It can install on Windows NT 3.51 and Windows 95. Visual SourceSafe is installed in 16-bit environments such as Windows version 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups via a different setup process, which is invisible to the user doing the installation. 5. Q. I wish to integrate Visual SourceSafe with either Visual Basic or Visual C++. Where can I get more information? A. Please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: ARTICLE-ID: Q136019 TITLE : FAQ: Visual SourceSafe Integration with Visual C++ 4.0 ARTICLE-ID: Q135995 TITLE : Visual SourceSafe Integration with Visual Basic 4.0 6. Q. Where can I find additional information about Visual SourceSafe? A. The following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base includes information on how to obtain further help: ARTICLE-ID: Q134369 TITLE : Microsoft SourceSafe Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 7. Q. How do I send suggestions for product features or improvements to Microsoft? A. Contact the Microsoft Wish Line at (206) 936-WISH [936-9474]. If it takes more than two minutes to describe, you can: - Fax it to us at 206-936-7329 - Write to us at: Attn: Microsoft Wish One Microsoft Way Redmond WA, 98052 You can also access the following URL on the Web to send feedback for Visual SourceSafe: http://www.microsoft.com/ssafe Then, click the Submit Feedback button. |
Additional reference words: vss vbwin 4.00 integration FAQ Q&A
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