HOWTO: Get History Using SourceSafe OLE Automation in C++Last reviewed: June 12, 1997Article ID: Q169927 |
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SUMMARYThe sample code in this article, along with the description of the structures and functions used, provides a guide to retrieving a collection of SourceSafe items and getting the history for these items. The sample code is written in C++.
MORE INFORMATIONThe SourceSafe Object Model contains 7 objects. The top-most of these objects is the VSSDatabase object. The first step in any SourceSafe OLE Automation client is to make a connection to a VSSDatabase pointer through the IClassFactory interface. This article assumes that there is already a pointer to the VSSDatabase object. For more information about getting a VSSDatabase pointer, please see the following Knowledge Base article:
ARTICLE-ID: Q169928 TITLE : HOWTO: Open a SourceSafe Database with OLE Automation in C++There are several operations available from the VSSItem object that produce collections. The Items property returns a collection of all children associated with a VSSItem, this is useful for listing all the children of a SourceSafe Project. The Checkouts property returns a collection of all checkouts on a file in Sourcesafe. The method discussed in this article is the Versions method, which returns a collection of Version objects. These represent old versions, labels and other actions that have been applied to the file or project in SourceSafe during its lifetime. Once you have a pointer to a valid IVSSItem, call the get_Versions method. get_Versions requires a long integer containing a number representing flag values, and a pointer to a pointer to an IVSSVersions object. Call the _NewEnum method from pointer to IVSSVersions passing a pointer to an LPUNKNOWN. Then QueryInterface on the LPUNKNOWN for an IEnumVARIANT interface. The IEnumVARIANT Interface supports Next, Skip, and Reset methods. Using the Next Method within a while loop allows you to retrieve each version within the collection using the punkVal property to get a pointer to IUnknown.
Sample CodeThe following sample code illustrates this:
#include <windows.h> #include <ocidl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "ssauto.h" void ListVersions( IVSSDatabase* db, LPCSTR path ) { BSTR bstrval; char lpbuf[200]; char lpbuf2[200]; IVSSItem *vssi; IVSSVersion *vers; IVSSVersions *vx; LPUNKNOWN lpunk; IEnumVARIANT *ppvobj; VARIANT st; OLECHAR* svalue; BSTR bstrValue; int x; ULONG fetched; long lvnum; if( (x = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, path, -1, svalue, 0 )) != 1) { svalue = new OLECHAR[x]; if( MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, path, -1, svalue, x ) == 0 ) MessageBox(NULL, "Error in Conversion", "Multibytetowide", MB_OK); } else svalue = L""; bstrValue = SysAllocString(svalue); if( S_OK == db->get_VSSItem(bstrValue, FALSE, &vssi) ) { if( S_OK == vssi->get_Versions( 0l, &vx ) ) { if( S_OK == vx->_NewEnum(&lpunk) ) { if(!FAILED(lpunk-> QueryInterface(IID_IEnumVARIANT, (void**)&ppvobj))) { vssi->get_Spec( &bstrval ); x = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)bstrval, -1, lpbuf, sizeof(lpbuf), NULL, NULL ); printf("History of: %s\n", lpbuf ); printf("ACTION USER NAME VERSION NUMBER\n"); do { ppvobj->Next( 1UL, &st, &fetched ); if( fetched != 0 ) { if(!FAILED(st.punkVal-> QueryInterface(IID_IVSSVersion,(void**)&vers))) { vers->get_Action( &bstrval ); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)bstrval, -1, lpbuf, sizeof(lpbuf), NULL, NULL ); vers->get_Username( &bstrval ); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)bstrval, -1, lpbuf2, sizeof( lpbuf2 ), NULL, NULL ); vers->get_VersionNumber( &lvnum ); printf("%s %s %ld\n", lpbuf, lpbuf2, lvnum ); vers->Release(); } st.punkVal->Release(); } } while( fetched != 0 ); ppvobj->Release(); } lpunk->Release(); } vx->Release(); } vssi->Release(); } SysFreeString(bstrValue); } REFERENCESTITLE: IClassFactory URL: mk:@ivt:pdobj/native/activex/src/if_a2e_68.htmTITLE: IEnumVARIANT Interface URL: mk:@ivt:pdobj/native/sdk/ole/auto/src/chap5_18.htmTITLE: Visual SourceSafe OLE Automation URL: header file ssauto.h can be downloaded from |
Keywords : ssusage
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