The information in this article applies to:
Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multi-user skills.
The colors of a chart can be changed dynamically to correspond with the
data in the current record of the form or report or to reflect special
conditions of the data. During the OnCurrent, OnFormat, and OnPrint events,
the data displayed in a chart is not normally synchronized with the data in
the current record of the form or report. Because you must use a Visual
Basic for Applications procedure to clear and reload the data of a chart
every time one of these events occurs, you can use the same procedure to
change the colors of each data point on the graph.
Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without
warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular
purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming
language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug
procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality
of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to
provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific
needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact
the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more
information about the support options available from Microsoft, please
seethe following page on the World Wide Web:
The following example demonstrates how to create a chart whose colors are
CAUTION: Following the steps in this example will modify the sample
database Northwind.mdb. You may want to back up the Northwind.mdb file
and perform these steps on a copy of the database.
Modify the Query Product Sales for 1995
- Start Microsoft Access and open the query "Product Sales for 1995" in
the sample database Northwind.mdb.
- Add the Shippers table to the query. Microsoft Access automatically
creates a join between the ShipVia field in the Orders table and the
ShipperID field in the Shippers table.
- Drag the CompanyName field from the Shippers table to the first empty
column on the query design grid. Leave the Total row for this field set
to the default value of Group By.
- Save and close the query.
Create the Chart
- Create a new form based on the Categories table. Include only the
CategoryID and CategoryName fields in the detail section of the form.
- On the Insert menu, click Chart to create a chart in the detail
section of the form.
- In the first screen of the Chart Wizard, click Queries and select
Product Sales for 1995. Click Next.
- Move the CompanyName field from the Available Fields list to the Fields
for Chart list. Then move the ProductSales field from the Available
Fields list to the Fields for Chart list. Click Next.
- Click Next in the chart type screen to select the default type of
Column Chart.
- In the layout screen of the Chart Wizard, click Next.
- Click OK if you receive the following message
You must add field CategoryID if you want to use this link.
- In the Form Fields list, click CategoryName; in the Chart Fields list,
click CategoryName, and then click Finish.
- On the View menu, click Properties and change the Name property of the
chart to "chtColorChart" (without the quotation marks).
- Save the form as frmChartColors and switch to Form view. Notice that
the columns corresponding to each of the three shippers are all the
same color.
Create the Event Procedure
- Open frmChartColors in Design view, and on the View menu, click Code.
- Type the following lines in the Declarations section of the class
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Note that the first two lines may already be present in the
Declarations section.
- On the Tools menu, click References.
- In the References dialog box, scroll down the Available References list
and select the Microsoft Graph 8.0 Object Library. Click OK, and then
close the module.
- On the Edit menu, click Select Form; then, Click Properties on the View
menu to open the property sheet of the form.
- Click the OnCurrent property box, and then click the Build (...)
button. In the Choose Builder dialog box, click Code Builder, and then
click OK.
- Set the form's OnCurrent property to the following event procedure:
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim chtObj As Object, strRowSource As String
Dim rsRowSourceFiltered As Recordset
Dim intMaxShippers As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim strArrShipperNames() As String
Dim intArrShipperColors() As Integer
' The color integers are those that are used
' by the QBColor function to assign point colors.
Const cFederal_Blue = 1
Const cSpeedy_Green = 2
Const cUnited_Red = 4
intMaxShippers = 3
' Place all the shipper name values
' into an array.
ReDim strArrShipperNames(intMaxShippers)
strArrShipperNames(1) = "Federal Shipping"
strArrShipperNames(2) = "Speedy Express"
strArrShipperNames(3) = "United Package"
' Place the shipper color values
' into an array.
ReDim intArrShipperColors(intMaxShippers)
intArrShipperColors(1) = cFederal_Blue
intArrShipperColors(2) = cSpeedy_Green
intArrShipperColors(3) = cUnited_Red
Set chtObj = Me!chtColorChart.Object
' In the chart's RowSource, insert a WHERE
' clause based on the value of the form
' field contained in the chart control's
' LinkMasterFields property.
strRowSource = Left(Me!chtColorChart.RowSource, _
InStr(Me!chtColorChart.RowSource, "GROUP BY") - 1) _
& "WHERE " & Me!chtColorChart.LinkChildFields & _
" = '" & Me(Me!chtColorChart.LinkMasterFields) & _
"'" & " " & Right(Me!chtColorChart.RowSource, _
Len(Me!chtColorChart.RowSource) _
- InStr(Me!chtColorChart.RowSource, "GROUP BY") + 1)
Set rsRowSourceFiltered = CurrentDb. _
OpenRecordset(strRowSource, dbOpenSnapshot)
' Check to see if the filtered recordset has any records.
If rsRowSourceFiltered.BOF And _
rsRowSourceFiltered.EOF Then
MsgBox "There are no records to chart."
Exit Sub
End If
' Clear the rows required for the maximum number of
' data rows. The first row contains the column
' headers. Data rows being at the second row.
With chtObj.Application.DataSheet
For i = 1 To intMaxShippers
.Rows(i + 1).Include = False
End With
' Ensure the RecordCount value is updated.
' Populate the chart's datasheet with the
' filtered recordset, starting with the
' datasheet's second row.
For i = 1 To rsRowSourceFiltered.RecordCount
For j = 0 To rsRowSourceFiltered.Fields.Count - 1
' Assign data to the datasheet cells starting
' at row 2, column 1.
chtObj.Application.DataSheet. _
Cells(i + 1, j + 1).Value = _
' Loop through the recordset containing
' the chart's filtered RowSource.
i = 0
While Not rsRowSourceFiltered.EOF
' Index i synchronizes the Points collection
' index with the current recordset row.
i = i + 1
' Loop through the shipper names array and look
' for a match with the field names of the chart's
' filtered RowSource.
For j = 1 To UBound(strArrShipperNames) ' 1-based
' The first field in the recordset contains
' the shipper name. Some shippers may not
' be in the filtered recordset.
If rsRowSourceFiltered.Fields(0).Value _
= strArrShipperNames(j) Then
' Because every shipper has a corresponding color, the
' arrays strArrShipperNames and intArrShipperColors
' always contain the same number of elements.
' Assign the color of the chart column, bar,
' slice etc.
chtObj.SeriesCollection(1).Points(i). _
Interior.Color = _
End If
End Sub
- Save the form and switch to Form View.
- Notice that the three data points in the chart have different colors.
For further information about manipulating a chart with Visual Basic for
Applications code, see the file Vba8grp.hlp; this file is located in the
Morehelp subfolder of the Valupack folder on your Microsoft Office 97
Professional Edition CD-ROM or your Microsoft Access 97 CD-ROM.