The information in this article applies to:
- Professional Edition of Microsoft Visual Basic Programming System
for Windows, version 3.0
When you use the MultiMedia MCI custom control (MCI.VBX) to load a
caddyless CD-ROM drive by clicking the eject button to close the drive,
the drive will close and reopen instead of simply closing.
NOTE: A CD-ROM drive comes with either a caddy (a separate CD-ROM disk
carrier that goes into a slot-like drive), or it comes with a built-in tray
that opens (comes out of the drive) when you push a button. Those that have
a built-in tray are known as caddyless CD-ROM drives.
There is a communication problem between the driver for the caddyless
CD-ROM drive and the MultiMedia MCI custom control. This problem does
not occur with all caddyless CD-ROM drives.
Obtain an updated driver that fixes this problem for the affected caddyless
CD-ROM drive or use the following code, which works correctly with any
CD-ROM drive:
- Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
- From the File menu, choose Add File. In the Add File dialog box,
select the MCI.VBX custom control file, which is usually located in
the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
- Add the MultiMedia MCI control (MMControl1) and two Command Button
controls (Command1 and Command2) to Form1.
- Set the following properties for the three controls at design time:
Control Property Setting
Command1 Caption Init CD
Command2 Caption Eject
MMControl1 EjectVisible False
- Place the following code in the (general) (declarations) section of
' Place the following Declare statement on one, single line:
Declare Function mciSendString Lib "MMSystem.DLL"
(ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As Any,
ByVal wReturnLength As Integer, ByVal hCallback As Integer) As Long
Dim Ejected As Integer
- Add the following code to the Command1_Click event:
Sub Command1_Click ()
MMControl1.UpdateInterval = 0
MMControl1.DeviceType = "CDAudio"
MMControl1.Command = "Open"
Ejected = False
Command1.Enabled = False
Command2.Enabled = True
End Sub
- Add the following code to the Command2_Click event:
Sub Command2_Click ()
Dim Status As Integer
If Ejected Then
Status = mciSendString("Set CDAudio Door Closed Wait", 0&, 0, 0)
Ejected = False
Command2.Caption = "Eject CD"
Status = mciSendString("Set CDAudio Door Open Wait", 0&, 0, 0)
If (Status <> 0) Then
Command1.Enabled = True
Command2.Enabled = False
MMControl1.Command = "Close"
End If
Ejected = True
Command2.Caption = "Load CD"
End If
End Sub
- Open the caddyless CD-ROM drive manually, insert a CD-ROM disk and close
the drive. Run the application. Click the Init CD button to enable the
controls. Click the Eject button to eject the CD-ROM, and click the Load
CD button to load the CD-ROM. Click the buttons on the MultiMedia MCI
custom control itself to play the CD-ROM.
Based on a number of tests, Microsoft has determined that this behavior
occurs only on some caddyless CD-ROM drives. We are researching this
behavior further and will post more information here in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
Steps that Reproduce Behavior on Affected Caddyless CD-ROM Drives
- Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
- From the File menu, choose Add File. In the Add File dialog box,
select the MCI.VBX custom control file, which is usually located in
the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
- Add a MultiMedia MCI control (MMControl1) and a command button
(Command1) to Form1.
- Set the Caption property of Command1 to Init CD.
- Add the following code to the Command1_Click event:
Sub Command1_Click ()
MMControl1.UpdateInterval = 0
MMControl1.DeviceType = "CDAudio"
MMControl1.Command = "Open"
End Sub
- Open the caddyless CD-ROM drive manually, insert a CD-ROM, and close
the drive. Run the application. Click the Init CD button to enable the
MultiMedia MCI custom control. Click the eject button to see the door
of the caddyless CD-ROM drive open. Click the eject button again. The
door of the caddyless CD-ROM drive closes and reopens, which disables
the eject button.