The information in this article applies to:
- Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Editions of Microsoft
Visual Basic, 32-bit only, for Windows, version 4.0
Using the Win32 API, it is possible to bring up a predefined Windows
Dialog box for connecting to a network printer. The ConnectToPrinterDlg
Win32 API works under Windows NT. However, it is not accessible by
Visual Basic programs running under Windows 95 because the user interface
is so different. Therefore, you must use a Command line equivalent
statement to invoke the "Add Printer Wizard" under Windows 95. Below is
a code sample showing how to implement both methods of displaying the
- Create a new project with Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
- Add a CommandButton, Command1, to the form.
- Add the following code to the General Declarations section of Form1:
Option Explicit
dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
dwMajorVersion As Long
dwMinorVersion As Long
dwBuildNumber As Long
dwPlatformId As Long
szCSDVersion As String * 128
End Type
Private Declare Function GetVersionExA Lib "kernel32" _
(lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Integer
Private Declare Function ConnectToPrinterDlg Lib "winspool.drv" (ByVal _
hwnd As Long, ByVal flags As Long) As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Command1.Caption = "Press Me"
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim iReturn As Integer
Dim lReturn As Long
osinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = 148
osinfo.szCSDVersion = Space$(128)
iReturn = GetVersionExA(osinfo)
If osinfo.dwMajorVersion = 3 And osinfo.dwMinorVersion = 51 And _
osinfo.dwBuildNumber = 1057 And osinfo.dwPlatformId = 2 Then
lReturn = ConnectToPrinterDlg(Form1.hwnd, 0)
ElseIf osinfo.dwMajorVersion = 4 And osinfo.dwMinorVersion = 0 And _
osinfo.dwBuildNumber = 67109814 And osinfo.dwPlatformId = 1 Then
Shell "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL AddPrinter"
MsgBox "Your Operating System has not been detected successfully !"
End If
End Sub
- Press the F5 key to run the project. Click the buttons to see the
results. Depending on which operating system you are running, you will
see that one dialog works and one doesn't:
NT 3.51 Win95
dwMajorVersion 3 4
dwMinorVersion 51 0
dwBuildNumber 1057 67109814
dwPlatformId 2 1
The Win32 SDK.