The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional and Enterprise Editions for
Windows, version 5.0
- Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Editions of Microsoft Visual
Basic, 16-bit and 32-bit, for Windows, version 4.0
SORTED.EXE is a sample that demonstrates how to sort algorithms for numeric
arrays. This article describes the three methods of sorting a series of
numbers in a code and provides sample code showing how to implement them.
The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software
~ Sorted.exe
For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software
Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from
Online Services
It is often necessary to sort a series of numbers in code and there are
various sorting algorithms available to do this.
The three methods discussed are:
- Bubble sort.
- Selection sort.
3 Shell sort.
Each routine simply receives an array full of numbers within the bounds
of a LONG datatype, although this could be easily changed for different
numeric datatypes. Note that the sort routines return the result of the
sort operation in the array passed to the routine. Therefore, if you do
not want the original array to be modified, copy the array to a variant,
as shown in the example below, and then pass the variant to the relevant
Step-by-Step Example
- Start a new project. Form1 is created by default.
- Place a CommandButton on the form.
- Add the following code to the Form1 code window:
Option Explicit
sub Command1_Click()
Dim lMyArray(0 TO 9) As Long
Dim vTemp1 As Variant
Dim vTemp2 As Variant
Dim vTemp3 As Variant
Dim iLoop As Integer
For iLoop = LBound(lMyArray) To UBound(lMyArray)
lMyArray(iLoop) = Int(Rnd * 100) + 1
Next iLoop
vTemp1 = lMyArray
vTemp2 = lMyArray
vTemp3 = lMyArray
Call BubbleSortNumbers(vTemp1)
Call SelectionSortNumbers(vTemp2)
Call ShellSortNumbers(vTemp3)
end sub
Sub BubbleSortNumbers(iArray As Variant)
Dim lLoop1 As Long
Dim lLoop2 As Long
Dim lTemp As Long
For lLoop1 = UBound(iArray) To LBound(iArray) Step -1
For lLoop2 = LBound(iArray) + 1 To lLoop1
If iArray(lLoop2 - 1) > iArray(lLoop2) Then
lTemp = iArray(lLoop2 - 1)
iArray(lLoop2 - 1) = iArray(lLoop2)
iArray(lLoop2) = lTemp
End If
Next lLoop2
Next lLoop1
End Sub
Sub SelectionSortNumbers(vArray As Variant)
Dim lLoop1 As Long
Dim lLoop2 As Long
Dim lMin As Long
Dim lTemp As Long
For lLoop1 = LBound(vArray) To UBound(vArray) - 1
lMin = lLoop1
For lLoop2 = lLoop1 + 1 To UBound(vArray)
If vArray(lLoop2) < vArray(lMin) Then lMin = lLoop2
Next lLoop2
lTemp = vArray(lMin)
vArray(lMin) = vArray(lLoop1)
vArray(lLoop1) = lTemp
Next lLoop1
End Sub
Sub ShellSortNumbers(vArray As Variant)
Dim lLoop1 As Long
Dim lHold As Long
Dim lHValue As Long
Dim lTemp As Long
lHValue = LBound(vArray)
lHValue = 3 * lHValue + 1
Loop Until lHValue > UBound(vArray)
lHValue = lHValue / 3
For lLoop1 = lHValue + LBound(vArray) To UBound(vArray)
lTemp = vArray(lLoop1)
lHold = lLoop1
Do While vArray(lHold - lHValue) > lTemp
vArray(lHold) = vArray(lHold - lHValue)
lHold = lHold - lHValue
If lHold < lHValue Then Exit Do
vArray(lHold) = lTemp
Next lLoop1
Loop Until lHValue = LBound(vArray)
End Sub
NOTE: In most cases, the Shell sort is the fastest of the three sorts
presented. The SORTED.EXE file (that you can download) includes additional
code to determine the efficiency of each sort.