How to Create a Transparent Bitmap Using Visual BasicLast reviewed: July 25, 1996Article ID: Q94961 |
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual Basic programming system for Windows, versions 2.0 and 3.0
SUMMARYA transparent image shows the background behind it instead of the image itself. You can use an icon editor such as the IconWorks sample program provided with Visual Basic to create icons that contain transparent parts. This article shows you how to make certain parts of a bitmap transparent.
MORE INFORMATIONHere are the six general steps required to create a transparent bitmap:
Example Code1. Start Visual Basic or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT, F, N)if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by default.
Control Name (or CtlName) Property Settings ----------------------------------------------------------------- Picture pictSource Picture ="WINDOWS\THATCH.BMP" Picture pictDest Picture ="WINDOWS\ARCHES.BMP" Command button cmdCopy Caption ="Copy"
Sub cmdCopy_Click () Call TransparentBlt(pictDest, pictSource.Picture, 10, 10, QBColor(15)) End Sub Type bitmap bmType As Integer bmWidth As Integer bmHeight As Integer bmWidthBytes As Integer bmPlanes As String * 1 bmBitsPixel As String * 1 bmBits As LongEnd Type Declare Function BitBlt Lib "GDI" (ByVal srchDC As Integer, ByVal srcX As Integer, ByVal srcY As Integer, ByVal srcW As Integer, ByVal srcH As Integer, ByVal desthDC As Integer, ByVal destX As Integer, ByVal destY As Integer, ByVal op As Long) As Integer Declare Function SetBkColor Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC As Integer, ByVal cColor As Long) As Long Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC As Integer) As Integer Declare Function CreateBitmap Lib "GDI" (ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, ByVal cbPlanes As Integer, ByVal cbBits As Integer, lpvBits As Any) As Integer Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer) As Integer Declare Function SelectObject Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC As Integer, ByVal hObject As Integer) As Integer Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "GDI" (ByVal hObject As Integer) As Integer Declare Function GetObj Lib "GDI" Alias "GetObject" (ByVal hObject As Integer, ByVal nCount As Integer, bmp As Any) As Integer Const SRCCOPY = &HCC0020 Const SRCAND = &H8800C6 Const SRCPAINT = &HEE0086 Const NOTSRCCOPY = &H330008
Sub TransparentBlt (dest As Control, ByVal srcBmp As Integer, ByVal destX As Integer, ByVal destY As Integer, ByVal TransColor As Long) Const PIXEL = 3 Dim destScale As Integer Dim srcDC As Integer 'source bitmap (color) Dim saveDC As Integer 'backup copy of source bitmap Dim maskDC As Integer 'mask bitmap (monochrome) Dim invDC As Integer 'inverse of mask bitmap (monochrome) Dim resultDC As Integer 'combination of source bitmap & background Dim bmp As bitmap 'description of the source bitmap Dim hResultBmp As Integer 'Bitmap combination of source & background Dim hSaveBmp As Integer 'Bitmap stores backup copy of source bitmap Dim hMaskBmp As Integer 'Bitmap stores mask (monochrome) Dim hInvBmp As Integer 'Bitmap holds inverse of mask (monochrome) Dim hPrevBmp As Integer 'Bitmap holds previous bitmap selected in DC Dim hSrcPrevBmp As Integer 'Holds previous bitmap in source DC Dim hSavePrevBmp As Integer 'Holds previous bitmap in saved DC Dim hDestPrevBmp As Integer 'Holds previous bitmap in destination DC Dim hMaskPrevBmp As Integer 'Holds previous bitmap in the mask DC Dim hInvPrevBmp As Integer 'Holds previous bitmap in inverted mask DC Dim OrigColor As Long 'Holds original background color from source DC Dim Success As Integer 'Stores result of call to Windows API If TypeOf dest Is PictureBox Then 'Ensure objects are picture boxes destScale = dest.ScaleMode 'Store ScaleMode to restore later dest.ScaleMode = PIXEL 'Set ScaleMode to pixels for Windows GDI 'Retrieve bitmap to get width (bmp.bmWidth) & height (bmp.bmHeight) Success = GetObj(srcBmp, Len(bmp), bmp) srcDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dest.hDC) 'Create DC to hold stage saveDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dest.hDC) 'Create DC to hold stage maskDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dest.hDC) 'Create DC to hold stage invDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dest.hDC) 'Create DC to hold stage resultDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dest.hDC) 'Create DC to hold stage 'Create monochrome bitmaps for the mask-related bitmaps: hMaskBmp = CreateBitmap(bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, 1, 1, ByVal 0&) hInvBmp = CreateBitmap(bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, 1, 1, ByVal 0&) 'Create color bitmaps for final result & stored copy of source hResultBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dest.hDC, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight) hSaveBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dest.hDC, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight) hSrcPrevBmp = SelectObject(srcDC, srcBmp) 'Select bitmap in DC hSavePrevBmp = SelectObject(saveDC, hSaveBmp) 'Select bitmap in DC hMaskPrevBmp = SelectObject(maskDC, hMaskBmp) 'Select bitmap in DC hInvPrevBmp = SelectObject(invDC, hInvBmp) 'Select bitmap in DC hDestPrevBmp = SelectObject(resultDC, hResultBmp) 'Select bitmap Success = BitBlt(saveDC, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, srcDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) 'Make backup of source bitmap to restore later 'Create mask: set background color of source to transparent color. OrigColor = SetBkColor(srcDC, TransColor) Success = BitBlt(maskDC, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, srcDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) TransColor = SetBkColor(srcDC, OrigColor) 'Create inverse of mask to AND w/ source & combine w/ background. Success = BitBlt(invDC, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, maskDC, 0, 0, NOTSRCCOPY) 'Copy background bitmap to result & create final transparent bitmap Success = BitBlt(resultDC, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, dest.hDC, destX, destY, SRCCOPY) 'AND mask bitmap w/ result DC to punch hole in the background by 'painting black area for non-transparent portion of source bitmap. Success = BitBlt(resultDC, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, maskDC, 0, 0, SRCAND) 'AND inverse mask w/ source bitmap to turn off bits associated 'with transparent area of source bitmap by making it black. Success = BitBlt(srcDC, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, invDC, 0, 0, SRCAND) 'XOR result w/ source bitmap to make background show through. Success = BitBlt(resultDC, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, srcDC, 0, 0, SRCPAINT) Success = BitBlt(dest.hDC, destX, destY, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, resultDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) 'Display transparent bitmap on backgrnd Success = BitBlt(srcDC, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, saveDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) 'Restore backup of bitmap. hPrevBmp = SelectObject(srcDC, hSrcPrevBmp) 'Select orig object hPrevBmp = SelectObject(saveDC, hSavePrevBmp) 'Select orig object hPrevBmp = SelectObject(resultDC, hDestPrevBmp) 'Select orig object hPrevBmp = SelectObject(maskDC, hMaskPrevBmp) 'Select orig object hPrevBmp = SelectObject(invDC, hInvPrevBmp) 'Select orig object Success = DeleteObject(hSaveBmp) 'Deallocate system resources. Success = DeleteObject(hMaskBmp) 'Deallocate system resources. Success = DeleteObject(hInvBmp) 'Deallocate system resources. Success = DeleteObject(hResultBmp) 'Deallocate system resources. Success = DeleteDC(srcDC) 'Deallocate system resources. Success = DeleteDC(saveDC) 'Deallocate system resources. Success = DeleteDC(invDC) 'Deallocate system resources. Success = DeleteDC(maskDC) 'Deallocate system resources. Success = DeleteDC(resultDC) 'Deallocate system resources. dest.ScaleMode = destScale 'Restore ScaleMode of destination. End If End Sub
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