HOWTO: Search for Languages Articles Using KBKeywordsLast reviewed: March 10, 1998Article ID: Q117552 |
The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYThe Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) is categorized by using keywords. This article lists the keywords specific to articles in the Languages collection, which includes the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.
Languages Major and Minor KBKeywordsEach KB article in the Languages collection may contain one or more product- specific keywords (called KBKeywords) that places the article in an appropriate category. Some of the KBKeywords are composed of the concatenation of a major topic keyword and a minor topic keyword. For example, you can find all the MFC ODBC database issue articles by using MfcDatabase as the keyword when you query the Microsoft Knowledge Base. In some cases, you can use the asterisk (*) wildcard to find articles that fall into the general subcategory. For example, to find all the articles that apply to MFC issues, query on Mfc*. An article usually has only one KBKeyword, but it may have more. Here are the topics and the corresponding KBKeywords. The minor topics are in the indented list under each major topic.
Major Topic Minor Topic KBKeyword ---------------------------------------------------------------- Product Keywords: Visual C++ product line VisualC Microsoft Foundation Classes VisualC C/C++ product line VisualC FORTRAN product line FORTRAN FORTRAN PowerStation line FORTRAN Macro Assembler line MASM Language product utilities Utilities Visual C++, Enterprise Edition VCEntIss DAO SDK Database Classes dbDao Visual C++ for Windows CE VCCE Data View and SQL Editing articles VCEntIDE SQL Debugging articles VCEntSQLDebug Setup / Install: Fortran PowerStation install fps10setup MASM 6.11 install msm611setup Visual C++ 1.0 32-bit install vc10setup Visual C++ 1.5x install vc15setup Visual C++ 2.x 32-bit install vc20setup Visual C++ Mac-side install issues vcMacSetup Tools: Development Environment Tools: AppStudio/Resource Editor AppStudioIss App Wizard or Class Wizard WizardIss Visual Workbench/IDE VWBIss Integrated debugger WBDebug Compiler Specific: Non-MASM Assembler Issues such as in-line assembler issues InlineAsmIss C/C++ compilers CLIss C++ compiler (not C compiler) CPPIss Bad-code generation CodeGen FL32 compiler FL32Iss ML assembler MLIss Macintosh Tools: MFILE - File Transfer Utility MFILEIss MPROF - Profiler MPROFIss MRC MRCIss MPW2LIB MPW2LIBIss Macintosh Help Compiler MHELPIss Product Independent Tools: CodeView debugger CVWIss NMAKE NmakeIss Linker LinkIss Librarian LibIss Programmer's Workbench PWBIss Misc Tools Issues: Product sample code CodeSam Phar Lap DOSXNT extender DOSXNTIss All other tools TlsMisc Programming: C language CLngIss C++ language CPPLngIss C Run Time CRTIss MASM assembly language MASMLngIss Fortran language FORTLngIss Graphics Issues GraphicIss Differences between Mac and Windows MacPrgIss MS-DOS MOVE overlays (16-bit only) MoveOverlay MS-DOS static overlays (16-bit only) StaticOverlay Writing TSRs (16-bit only) PrgTSR MS-DOS VM CRT functions (16-bit only) VirtualMem Standard Template Library Issues STLIss MFC Programming: MFC ODBC/database MfcDatabase MFC DAO Database Classes MfcDAO MFC DLLs MfcDLL MFC Document/View MfcDocView MFC file I/O MfcFileIO MFC ISAPI classes MfcISAPI MFC Macintosh MfcMac MFC OLE MfcOLE MFC printing MfcPrinting MFC Multi-threaded MfcThreadIss MFC user interface development MfcUI MFC VBX MfcVBX MFC Sockets issues MfcSockets MFC Context Sensitive Help issues MfcHelp All other MFC issues MfcMisc Add-ons: OLE Control Development Kit CDKIss General: General Visual C++ Product Info VCGenIss Online Doc Tools Issues OLDocIss Issue Doesn't Apply to all platforms: Applies to Visual C++ for Alpha VCAlpha Applies to Visual C++ for Macintosh VCMac Applies to Visual C++ for MIPS VCMips Applies to Visual C++ for x86 VCx86 Applies to Win32s W32s Buglist and Fixlist: Visual C++ 4.x bug vcbuglist400 Visual C++ 4.1 bug(not confirmed in VC++ 4.0) vcbuglist410 Visual C++ 4.2 bug (not confirmed in VC++ 4.0 or 4.1) vcbuglist420 Visual C++ 5.0 bug (not confirmed in VC++ 4.0 or 4.1) vcbuglist500 Bug fixed in Visual C++ 4.1 vcfixlist410 Bug fixed in Visual C++ 4.2 vcfixlist420 Bug fixed in Visual C++ 5.0 vcfixlist500 Product-Specific KeywordsYou can use the KBKeywords to organize Languages articles or to search for specific groups of Languages articles. For information about KBKeywords for other Microsoft developer products, please query the Microsoft Knowledge Base using these keywords:
dskbguide and kbkeyword KB-wide KeywordsEach article in the Languages collection also contains at least one generic, KB-wide keyword. The KB-wide keywords are standard throughout the Microsoft Knowledge Base, appearing in all KB articles, regardless of product. You can use the KB-wide keywords to organize all KB articles or to search for articles across several Microsoft products. For more information about these KB-wide keywords, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
ARTICLE-ID: Q94671 TITLE : Categories and Keywords for All Knowledge Base Articles |
Additional query words: dskbguide
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